“Federalism: Comparative Study” and “Confidence Building between DPRK and the U.S.”

ASIA FORUM with Mr. Jong Chol Nam and Mr. Ri Hyon Song

“Federalism: Comparative Study on the European Integration and the Korea’s Reunification”


“Confidence building between DPRK and the US; the foundation for settling the issues of the Korean Peninsula”

Tuesday, May 23, 2012, 10:00 – 12:00

“Federalism: Comparative Study on the European Integration and the Korea’s Reunification”

Europe’s history is bloody. For over a thousand years Europe was mired in ceaseless wars and disputes. Only after suffering through World War II did Europeans feel the need for lasting peace and, as the only way to achieve this, started a process of integration with the foundation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Now the integration process has developed further toward a single federal state. The European integration process and Korea’s reunification are different in important ways; the former is the integration of different nations based on a single system while the latter is the reunification of one nation divided into two different systems. Nevertheless these two processes have a fundamental likeness, which is a desire for peace. The European integration process developed via a federal formula in order to assuage varying interests amongst member states. This process demonstrates that a path for the peaceful reunification in Korea can also be through the establishment of the federal state. Consequently, it is important to recognize the proposal for the establishment of the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo.

Jong Chol Nam is a Researcher at the Institute for Disarmament and Peace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK and a current guest researcher at the ISDP.


“Confidence building between DPRK and the US; the foundation for settling the issues of the Korean Peninsula”

It has been almost 70 years since the Korean nation was divided into two by outside forces. Since then, the territorial partition has imposed untold misfortunes and sufferings on the Korean people. This division has also created hostile confrontations and periodically escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula. What lies at the bottom of this tragedy? It is none other than hostile DPRK-U.S diplomacy.

For over half a century, antagonistic DPRK-U.S relations have not only hampered the improvement of inter-Korean relations and national reunification, but has also jeopardized the peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, which subsequently spawned the nuclear issue on the Peninsula.

The modern history of Korea is the history of distrust and conflict between the DPRK and the U.S.

Confidence building between the DPRK and the U.S. will greatly enhance the opportunity for solving all kinds of problems on Korean peninsula, ensuring lasting peace and security in Northeast Asia and ending Korea’s division.

Ri Hyon Song is a Researcher at the Institute for Disarmament and Peace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK and a current guest researcher at the ISDP.

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