Multilateralism and International law: Maritime Issues in the East and South China Seas

Thursday 23 March 2017 / 10:00 - 12:00 / Registration with coffee from 09.30.
Stockholm Medelhavsmuseet. Fredsgatan 2, 103 21 Stockholm. Click here for a map
RSVP Register here
In recent years, territorial sovereignty in the South China Sea has become an area of key significance not only for the countries in the Asia-Pacific region but also for the rest of the world. Although an international tribunal in The Hague last year ruled in favour of the Philippines, the decision seems to have put very little pressure on China. What’s more, there are still many other ongoing maritime disputes involving Japan, South Korea and Russia but to name a few. During this ISDP forum, leading Japanese experts will address these issues and the role of the Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) has in solving them.
Hideya Kurata, Professor, National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan.
Norihito Kubota, Associate Professor, National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan.
Helen Tung, Barrister & PhD researcher, University of Greenwich. Currently a Visiting Fellow at ISDP.