Seonhwa Kim
Past Visiting Fellow
Dr. Seonhwa Kim spent two months as a Visiting Fellow at ISDP from August 1st to September 30th 2017. During her time at the Institute she focused on transitional states’ Constitutional Reform.
Dr. Seonhwa Kim has worked as legislative research officer of the National Assembly Research Service, Republic of Korea since 2008 and as adjunctive professor of the Law Department of Myungji University from 2011. She conducts research and lectures on Constitutional Law.
She was a visiting scholar at the Fordham Law School in New York City U.S.A. from 2007 to 2008, worked at the Supreme Court of Korea as a research commissioner from 2002 to 2003 and researched judicial system at the Presidential Committee for the Judicial Reform from 2005 to 2006. In the academic field, she lectured on Constitutional Law, the American legal system, Law and Society, and Law and Politics at Ewha Womans University, Yonsei University, National Police University, Catholic University, Myungji University and so on.
Her major research interests are the Constitution and adjusting political actions to Constitutional norms.
She has published several papers, including “Majority and Supermajority in the Representative System, Law and Society, vol.52, 2016. 8.”, “The Legalization of the Same-Sex Marriage”, Ewha Gender Law Journal, vol.7(3), 2015. 12., “Constitutional Issues upon the Recall of MPs”, Legislation and Policy, vol.5(1), 2013.6., “How to Integrate the Public Opinion upon the Constitutional Reform Proposal”, Constitutional Law Journal, vol. 16(2), 2010. 6. Also she has translated the “Introduction of U.S. Legal System”, Jinwonsa, 2012.
Publications by Seonhwa Kim
Reforming South Korea’s “Imperial Presidency”
South Korea’s constitution vests too much power in the office of the president, which raises the risk of the post being misused. This was brought dramatically into focus earlier this […]