Elin Bergner
Former Intern
Ms. Elin Bergner was an intern at the ISDP Stockholm Korea Center. She is currently enrolled in the International Master’s Programme in Political Science with Specialization in Global Asian Studies at Stockholm University and holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Anthropology from Lund University. She has an extensive international academic background having attended exchange studies in the UK and Spain as well as at the University of Hawai’i, where she developed her knowledge on broader Asia and Pacific relations. Ms. Bergner also recently attended two semesters of Korean language studies at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. Her research interests cover Northeast Asian peace development, climate security, and civil society movements.
Publications by Elin Bergner
Disaster Risk Reduction: A Sustainable Path for Inter-Korea Cooperation
Introduction: Even in its current state of pandemic-induced isolation, North Korea continues to engage the international community on climate adaption and disaster risk reduction. South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s renewed […]