Contemporary Issues on the Korean Peninsula: An Interview with Maj Gen (ret) Mats Engman

Experts Take May, 2024

On the reopening of the Institute for Security & Development Policy’s (ISDP) Stockholm Korea Center, Zahra Nayabi and Julia Rösgren sat down for an interview with the new Head of the Center and Distinguished Military Fellow, Maj Gen (ret) Mats Engman, to discuss his experience as the former Head of the Swedish delegation to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) to gather insight on his views and experiences on contemporary issues on the Korean Peninsula. Mats Engman has more than forty years of active military service. During his time in the military, he was assigned as the Head of the Swedish Delegation to the NNSC in South Korea (2015-2017). He was further involved as the UN military observer in the Middle East and has served as the Defense attaché to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland for up to three years. His focus lies in security policy, military strategy, and crisis management. He graduated from the Swedish Command and Staff College and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and has attended the US International Intelligence Fellows program at Bolling AFB, the US Senior International Defense Management Course in Monterey and the United Nations Senior Mission Leaders Course in Amman, Jordan.

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