Kamala Harris and North Korea: Between Continuity, Pragmatism, and Strategic Realignment

A possible future Harris administration is likely to continue the Biden administration’s approach to North Korea, focusing on sanctions and diplomatic pressure. This strategy may be shaped by broader geopolitical challenges, including tensions with China and Russia. Perceived inaction could lead to larger crises, making it crucial for a Harris administration to couple a more pragmatic and issue-specific approach to the traditional U.S. foreign policy approach to North Korea.

The Current Situation

Geopolitical developments have expanded the number of fronts where the United States government has had to focus its political, military, and economic attention. This has spilled over onto the Korean Peninsula, where the Biden administration, constrained by necessity and mindful of the failures of the Trump-Kim summits, has employed a strategy reminiscent of Obama’s strategic patience.

As the administration prepares to potentially hand over the baton to Vice President Kamala Harris, predicting her policy direction toward the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) remains challenging. Given her current role, Harris is limited in expressing views that might diverge from the current administration yet there are already some signs that hint at possible shifts or continuities in approach.

Read the full piece at The National Interest.

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