EU’s Global Gateway and Quad Powers: Exploring the Medium of Strategic Cooperation

Wednesday 6 November 2024 / 11:00 - 12:30 / Zoom

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As geopolitical tensions rise in the Indo-Pacific, the Quad—India, Australia, Japan, and the US—seeks to solidify its role as a leading security and development force. By focusing on quality infrastructure, critical technologies, and supply chain resilience, the Quad competes with China in several of these areas. In this context, cooperating with other actors – both regional and extra regional – could be beneficial for the Quad’s broader strategic goals. Meanwhile, The EU’s Global Gateway, with €300 billion in investments, offers a unique opportunity for the Quad to further these goals while also enhancing regional development, promoting democratic values, and also providing tangible good to the Indo-Pacific region.

This online panel will address the following questions in particular:

  • How far has the Global Gateway succeeded in advancing the EU’s connection with Indo-Pacific partners?
  • Is the EU’s Global Gateway proceeding in the right direction?
  • How can the Global Gateway foster cooperation with the Quad, both bilaterally and multilaterally?
  • Is there scope for formal cooperation between the EU’s Global Gateway and the Quad? If so, how?

This is the sixth event in the Europe-Asia Webinar Series hosted by YCAPS’ Europe Chapter at the Stockholm Center for South Asia and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) of the Institute for Security and Development (ISDP) in Stockholm, Sweden.

Please use this link to register via Zoom.

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Dr. Swati Prabhu is an Associate Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India. Her research explores the interlinkages between development partnerships and sustainable development. Swati’s broader research interests include India-EU relations, EU development policy, and environment. She completed her PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on the European Union’s development policy and environment focusing on the challenges of the SDGs.

Dr. Satoru Nagao’s primary research area is U.S-.Japan-India security cooperation. He was awarded his Ph.D. by Gakushuin University in 2011 for his thesis, “India’s Military Strategy,” the first such research thesis on this topic in Japan. Dr. Nagao holds numerous other research positions, including director at International Security Industry Council, senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, specially-appointed research fellow at the Japan Forum on International Relations, research fellow at the Institute for Future Engineering (strategy, defense policy), a lecturer in Gakushuin University,

Dr. Alfred Gerstl is an international relations specialist, with a geographic focus on the Indo-Pacific and in particular Southeast Asia. He is the President of CEIAS and an Associate Professor at the Department of Asian Studies at Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic). There he heads the EU-funded project “The EU in the volatile Indo-Pacific” (EUVIP; 2023-2025). Prior to EUVIP, Alfred was a senior researcher in the EU-funded project “Sinophone Borderlands – Interaction at the Edges” (2018-2022) at Palacky University where he was also a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow (2019-2021). In 2018/19, he was an Associate Professor at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk State University in Russia. Moreover, Alfred worked as a postdoc researcher at the Universities of Vienna and Macquarie University in Sydney.

Dr. Krzysztof M. Zalewski is the President of the Michał Boym Institute for Asian and Global Studies in Warsaw, an independent think tank that advises business and political leaders on opportunities and challenges in Asia. His individual analysis primarily focuses on Polish and European cooperation with India and other South Asian countries, as well as regional security. He is an expert in foreign relations and a frequent commentator for Polish and international media. Previously, he served at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA, 2014-2016), the Chancellery of the President of Poland (2010-2014), the Chancellery of the Polish Sejm (2009 2010), and the Centre for Eastern Studies in Warsaw (2009). Alumnus of the Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance (2012) and the Marshall Memorial Fellowship (2011).

Webinar Cost: Free of charge
Chair: Dr. Jagannath Panda, ISDP
Co-Chairs: Mr. Luc Maccioni, Isak Nordenberg, YCAPS
Format: This event will be on-the-record. Questions are encouraged. It will be recorded.
Registration: Required via this link.
Co-Sponsor: Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP)