Dr. Tsering Topgyal is a political scientist specializing in International Relations, Asian politics and security, Chinese politics, and Tibetan studies. He teaches courses such as Dilemmas in International Relations, International Politics of East Asia, Asia-Pacific Security, and Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy at the University of Birmingham. Dr. Topgyal’s primary research interest is contemporary Tibet’s political and security aspects. He is the author of the book “China and Tibet: The Perils of Insecurity” published in 2016, and scholarly articles in journals such as Asian SecurityJournal of Contemporary ChinaPacific AffairsChina Report etc. He is currently writing a book on China’s ‘Nationalities Policy’ with special attention to Tibet and Xinjiang. Dr. Topgyal volunteers on the Executive Council of the Universities China Council of London and previously served in the selection committee of the Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship. 

Publications by Tsering Topgyal