Search results for: Erik Isaksson
Elevating Democracy via Transatlantic Collaboration
...of Volvo, Dr. Andreas Göthenberg from STINT, Dr. Erik Mo Welin of the National Knowledge Center on China, and Mr. Gunnar Hökmark of the Stockholm Free World Forum. Over the...
Pacifist Identity, Civics Textbooks, and the Opposition to Japan’s Security Legislation
Summary: This article looks at how Japanese national identity is constructed in Japanese junior high school civics textbooks and how that narrative relates to recent Japanese security policy....
If Not North Korea, Who Will Be Japan’s Chief Antagonist?
The last year has seen sharp turns in the relationships between North Korea and its neighbors. After tough rhetoric back and forth between the United States and North...
Japan and North Korea: Toward Engagement for Regional Security
The current situation on the Korean Peninsula has invited debate on Japan’s perennial issue of constitutional revision. While this is a high-profile issue, other measures are needed to...
Replikväxling: Sverige i bottenskiktet vad gäller akademisk frihet
...SvD Ledare och Ivar Arpis viktiga granskning av statsfeminism och universitetens situation har genererat en viktig debatt om akademisk frihet. Den konkreta incident som drabbade lektorn Erik Ringmar på...
Unga förstår inte riskerna med cannabis
...farligt och varför det bör vara förbjudet. För att vända utvecklingen och inte riskera ungas psykiska hälsa krävs att vuxna läser på, skriver Erik Leijonmarck och professor Fred Nyberg....
Organized Crime and the Financial Crisis: Recent Trends in the Baltic Sea Region
The financial crisis has affected not only the economies of countries in the Baltic Sea Region. It also provided a golden opportunity for organized crime groups to expand...
“New Life” for Russia
Millions of Russians are estimated to be addicted to illicit drugs. Despite the enforcement of a new drug policy, the government has not been successful in reducing the...