Active Pacifism? Japan’s new security policy
ISDP FORUM with Professor Akihiro Sado
Chukyo University, Japan
Friday, March 4, 2016, 13.30-15.00
Since the end of the Cold War, Japan’s security policy has changed from “extreme” pacifism to more actively contributing to peace and stability, within the limits of its Constitution. This transition has accelerated in the past few years, due to the evolving security situation in Japan’s neighborhood – namely China’s rise – as well as the increasing threat posed by international terrorism. Professor Akhiro Sado from Chukyo University in Japan will discuss the challenges and changes to Japan’s security policy, including the reinterpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution last year, and what this entails for Japan’s role in the region and beyond.
Akihiro Sado is Professor at the School of Business and Public Policies and Dean at the Graduate School of Economics, at Chukyo University, Japan. He has previously been a Visiting Scholar at the MIT Center for International Studies, and
Associate Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). Professor Sado holds a Doctor of Politics from Gakushuin University, Department of Law and a Master of Laws from Tokyo Metropolitan University.
Location: ISDP, Västra Finnbodavägen 2, Stockholm-Nacka. For a map and directions, please go here.
To attend: RSVP to Ms. Lisa Bäckman at