CACI Online Forum: Status Update on Uzbek Reforms

Tuesday 29 September 2020 / 16:00 - 17:00 /
Online Forum . Facebook Live, Online Forum.
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After four years of transition of power in Uzbekistan, the country emerged as one of the most reform-oriented countries in the world. Among its priorities are reform in governance, the economy, and regional collaboration. Expectations are high both in Uzbekistan, and among international donor institutions and investors, that Uzbekistan will transform itself and its economy in a reasonable timeframe. Is Uzbekistan on the right track on reforms in governance? Is the pace of transition from a strictly controlled economy with very complicated and unfriendly business environment into more efficient economic system fast enough? How has Covid-19 affected the reform process? Our Forum will discuss these and some other important questions.
Aziza Umarova, CEO, SmartGov Consulting
Ron van Rooden, Chief of Mission for Uzbekistan, IMF
Moderated by: S. Frederick Starr, Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute
The event will be live-streamed on Facebook page and available here.