East Asia Research in Sweden

Thursday 11 May 2017 / 08:30 - 17:00 / If you wish to participate please email us
Stockholm Handelshögskolan. Sveavägen 65, 113 83 Stockholm. Click here for a map
RSVP Register here
On Thursday May 11, 2017, ISDP, together with the European Institute of Japanese Studies, at the Stockholm School of Economics, will arrange a conference with the purpose of discussing East Asian and Southeast Asian Studies in Sweden. This conference is targeted towards the producers, funders and users of the research produced in Sweden. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to lbackman@isdp.eu.
The conference is free of charge, and we will offer refreshments and lunch during the day. We do not cover travel costs or accommodation. However, we offer 15 travel scholarships of 1000 SEK to PhD students or post-docs. To apply for a scholarship, please send a motivation letter and an outline of your research or a recent paper to Lisa Bäckman on lbackman@isdp.eu.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Wednesday, May 10:
18.00-21.00 Welcome mingle at Café Himlavalvet on Observatoriekullen. A tapas buffet and drinks will be served. Please let us know if you have any allergies. Follow this link for a map.
Conference Schedule, May 11:
08.30-09.00 Coffee and registration, Handelshögskolan, Sveavägen 65, 113 83 Stockholm
09.00-09.10 Welcoming remarks
- Lars Ågren, Senior Executive Vice President, Stockholm School of Economics
- Niklas Swanström, Director of ISDP
09.10-09.25 Keynote speech
- Urban Ahlin, Speaker of the Swedish Parliament
09.25-10.00 The Asian Future – Effects of Asia on Sweden
- Cecilia Ruthström Ruin, Head of Department for Asia and the Pacific, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Frédéric Cho, Frédéric Cho Advisory AB, Vice Chairman, Sweden-China Trade Council
10.10-10.55 Tried and Tested – Building for the Future
- Stein Tønnesson, Leader of Programme on the East Asian Peace, Uppsala University
- Börje Ljunggren, Former Swedish Ambassador to China and Vietnam
- Marie Söderberg, Director of the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), Stockholm School of Economics
10.55-11.45 The Present and Future of Swedish Asia Research
- Linus Hagström, Professor of Political Science, Swedish Defence University and Senior Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs
- Johan Lindquist, Professor of Social Anthropology and Director of the Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm University
- Marina Svensson, Professor of Modern China Studies and Director of the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University
11.45-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.55 Thinking Outside the Box – Finding Solutions from Different Approaches
- Joakim Appelquist, Director and head of international division, Vinnova
- Niklas Swanström, Director, the Institute for Security & Development Policy
- Eva Hansson, Coordinator, Forum for Asian Studies
14.00-14.30 Key findings from the day
- Lars Vargö, Distinguished Fellow, the Institute for Security & Development Policy
- Karl Gustafsson, Associate Professor (Docent) & Senior Research Fellow Swedish Institute of International Affairs
14.30-17.00 Mingle. This time will allow you to display your research. Coffee will be served at 15.15.