Prospects of cooperation in North East Asia

Wednesday 10 May 2017 / 15:00 - 17:00 /
Nacka ISDP. Västra Finnbodav. 2, 131 30 Nacka. Click here for a map
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Chemical Management Policy in EU and North East Asia
– With Woosuk Jung, Ministry of Environment, South Korea
While chemicals bring us an abundance of products and convenience they pose acute or chronic risk to ourselves and the environment. In order to control hazardous chemicals and their products, in 2007 the EU restructured its chemical management system. After a series of disastrous chemical accidents, North East Asian countries are attempting to strengthen their chemical management policies.
Mr. Jung will give a presentation about how hazardous chemicals are controlled. He will make a comparison between the policies of the EU and North East Asian countries and propose some policy suggestions.
International transport cooperation for the North-East Asia
– With Namgyun Kim, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea
North East Asia has increasingly become a source of various conflicts as the nuclear ambition of North Korea has intensified. However, there are still plenty of possible topics that can be worked on together for mutual benefit and a more desirable future.
One such opportunity is increasing transport and logistics connectivity in the region. Specifically, since South Korea is cut off from the Eurasian Continent by the isolated North Korea. Namgyun Kim will look at the question of how States in the region can improve the situation in accordance with their respective initiatives and interests. Further, how South Korea can persuade North Korea towards international cooperation.
Both speakers are currently Visiting Fellows at ISDP.