ISDP Forum: A New EU Strategy for Central Asia

Wednesday 11 December 2019 / 09:30 - 11:00 / Registration with coffee and cardamon bun from 09:00.
Stockholm Medelhavsmuseet. Fredsgatan 2, 11152 Stockholm. Click here for a map
RSVP Register here
In June 2019, the EU released a new strategy for Central Asia. This strategy was formulated in response to rapid changes in the region, ranging from China’s Belt and Road Initiative, new reform initiatives across the region, and a new momentum for regional cooperation. What does this strategy mean for the EU’s relations with Central Asia? And given a lighter American footprint, does this mean that the EU now leads the developed and democratic world in engaging with Central Asia?
This Forum meeting marks the release of ISDP’s new Silk Road Paper on the subject, A Steady Hand: The EU’s 2019 Strategy and Policy Toward Central Asia.
- Svante E. Cornell, Director, Silk Road Studies Program, ISDP
- Timur Shaimergenov, Chairman, International Information Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan