Korea Strategic Talks Webinar – Navigating Tensions: The Geostrategic Landscape of the Korean Peninsula

Did you miss this webinar? The full recording is available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
To further promote dialogue and exchange of views related to the developments on the Korean peninsula and in the region, the ISDP Stockholm Korea Center is introducing a new series of “Korea Strategic Talks”.
The overall aim of the initiative is to further increase the understanding of the many factors and policies that impact security developments. We invite scholars and experts from different backgrounds and nations to a conversation moderated by Mats Engman, Head of the Stockholm Korea Center.
The Strategic Talks will be live and online and recorded for later use. A typical session runs for 60 min. Occasionally we will also summarize a Strategic Talk or a series of talks into a publication.
The conversation will include two experts and we will strive to have a series of conversations within a rather short time span, covering the same issues but from different perspectives. This would enable us to identify possible differences in understanding, assessments, and policies.
The inaugural Strategic Talk will be held on 4 June at 11:00 a.m. Swedish time. Our guests for this session are Professor Ramon Pacheco-Pardo from King´s College, London, and Dr. John Nilsson-Wright from the University of Cambridge. During this first talk, we will discuss the overall geostrategic situation in and around the Korean peninsula. What are the current major issues, like the newfound relation between Russia-DPRK and its implication for regional as well as peninsula security, the aftermath of the ROK assembly elections, the potential emergence of a security type regional architecture (US-Japan-ROK-Australia vs China-Russia-DPRK-Iran), and what do different actors/nations have in common and can we possible identify different policy options?
This first talk will be followed by one Strategic Talk with two U.S. experts on June 19 at 15:00 p.m. Swedish time, and one Strategic Talk with two South Korean experts, date to be confirmed.