Russian Hybrid Tactics – Past, Present, and Future

Wednesday 7 February 2018 / 09:00 - 10:30 / Registration with breakfast from 08:30
Stockholm Medelhavsmuseet. Fredsgatan 2, 10321 Stockholm. Click here for a map
RSVP Register here
This ISDP Forum gathers a panel of three security policy experts to provide an assessment of how Russian hybrid tactics have been employed in different parts of Europe in recent years. It will explore the current status of Russian hybrid tactics and the western response, as well as a look toward potential future scenarios. The Forum takes its basis in the release of a new ISDP Silk Road Paper, Russian Hybrid Tactics in Georgia, by Dr. Niklas Nilsson. The Forum will explore whether Russian actions in Georgia and other countries of the former Soviet Union can serve as indicators for Russian behavior elsewhere.
Participating in the panel:
- Niklas Nilsson, Assistant Professor at the Swedish Defense University and Research Fellow as well as Associate Editor of the Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst at ISDP
- Patrik Jotun, Director of the Swedish Center for Russian Studies
- Katarina Tracz, Director of the Stockholm Free World Forum and Marshall Memorial Fellow, the German Marshall Fund of the United States
The Forum will be moderated by Svante Cornell, Director of ISDP.