A Salute to Paul Goble: Featuring Paul Goble’s Prognoses on the Future of the ‘Eurasian Heartland’

Wednesday 14 September 2016 / 17:00 - 19:00 /
Washington D.C. Rome Building Auditorium, SAIS - Johns Hopkins University. 1619 Massachusetts Ave., NW, 20036 Washington D.C.. Click here for a map
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This special forum, organized jointly with The Jamestown Foundation, will honor Paul Goble, eminent scholar and expert on Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Paul will share with us his view on the prospects of states and people in this important strategic region, which includes the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as the Baltic countries and Ukraine. Several of Paul’s long-time friends, colleagues, and professional associates will comment on his intellectual contribution to the study of the area stretched from Eastern Europe to Western China.
Speakers include:
Honorable S. Enders Wimbush, Distinguished Senior Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation, and Partner, StrateVarious, LLC
H.E. Ambassador Marmei, Ambassador of Estonia to the United States
Blair Ruble, Vice President for Programs, Woodrow Wilson Center; Senior Advisor, Kennan Institute
S. Frederick Starr, Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute