Transatlantic Perspectives: China’s Grand Strategy

What will China look like by 2050? How will U.S.-China relations change by 2050? These are the questions examined by the 2020 report titled China’s Grand Strategy: Trends, Trajectories, Long-Term Competition. In this Transatlantic Perspectives webinar, two of the report’s authors will summarize the genesis of the report, its findings, and the reaction to the report’s publication.
Andrew Scobell is a Senior Political Scientist at RAND. His most recent publications include “Command and Control in U.S. Naval Competition with China” (RAND, 2020), “Perception and Misperception in U.S.-China Relations,” (Political Science Quarterly, Winter 2020), and “China’s Post-Pandemic Future: Wuhan Wobbly?” (War on the Rocks, February 3, 2021).
Cortez Cooper is a Senior International/Defense Researcher at RAND. He provides assessments of security challenges across political, military, economic, and informational arenas for a broad range of U.S. Government clients. In addition to the China Grand Strategy report, his recent publications include Regional Responses to U.S.-China Competition in the Indo-Pacific: Singapore (RAND, 2020) and People’s Liberation Army Operational Concepts (RAND, 2020).
ISDP’s Executive Director, Niklas Swanström, will moderate this event.