Transatlantic Perspectives: Security in the Changing Arctic

This Transatlantic Perspectives webinar will explore the topic of “Security in the Changing Arctic”. ISDP is honored to welcome four distinguished speakers; Dr. Lassi Heininen, Dr. Marc Lanteigne, Maj Gen Randy “Church” Kee, and Ms. Erika Olson. The speakers will discuss future risks in the Arctic region, how they can be combatted, as well as the transatlantic cooperation in relation to China’s and Russia’s presence in the region.
Dr. Lassi Heininen is Professor (emeritus) of Arctic Politics at the University of Lapland, Finland; Professor of IR at Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Russia, Editor of Arctic Yearbook, and Chair of the Global Arctic Mission Council of Arctic Circle. Dr. Marc Lanteigne is Associate Professor of Political Science at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway. Maj Gen Randy “Church” Kee is the Executive Director of the Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC) at the University of Alaska, a DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Office of University Programs Center of Excellence in Maritime Research. Ms. Erika Olson is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service Office and currently serves as Director for Northern European, Baltic, and Arctic Security Affairs in the Bureau of Europe and Eurasia at the United States Department of State.
The event will be moderated by ISDP’s Executive Director, Dr. Niklas Swanström.