US-India Cyber Security Cooperation: Development and Prospects

Tuesday 13 December 2016 / 10:00 - 11:30 /
Nacka ISDP. Västra Finnbodavägen 2, 13130 Nacka. Click here for a map
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Cyber security has become one of key areas for of cooperation for the United States and India. After having ended their cyber security dialogue nearly 10 years ago, the two countries restarted it on August 11-12 2015. Both US and India’s national security interests play key roles in stimulating and enhancing their cyber security cooperation, as well as the gradually evolving process of institutionalization.
Based on these developments, Dr. Zhang Chunyan will explore some underlying factors promoting US-India cyber security cooperation under the current geo-political context in the Asia-Pacific region, and attempt to offer a preliminary judgement on the prospects on future US-India bilateral cyber security cooperation.
Dr. Zhang Chunyan has been visiting researcher at ISDP for one year from January 2016. She is a lecturer at the American Studies Center, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China.Her research is mainly focused on U.S.’s diplomacy and security strategy towards the Asia-Pacific (especially South Asia), and U.S.-India relations. She holds a PhD of U.S. diplomacy and politics from Beijing Foreign Studies University, and an MA of International Relations from Sichuan University.