Jagannath Panda participated as a panelist in the Riga NATO Stratcom Dialogue 2024 in Latvia

June 10, 2024: Dr. Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs, spoke in a panel titled “Global narratives: how can we restore trust and build new bridges?” at the Riga Stratcom Dialogue 2024 in Latvia. The panelists were: Dr. Ahmed Naimat, Ms. Ai-Men Lau, Mr. Justin Arenstein. This panel was moderated by Dr. Vera Michlin-Shapir. The foreign minister of Latvia, H. E. Baiba Braže, also featured in the panel to share her views on Latvian foreign policy planning.
This panel addressed key questions such as: What are the prevailing factors driving people and policies across different continents? Can global divisions be glued together, and can the lowest value-based common denominator be found to create a new consensus? Can we measure the efficiency of Western policies and find fast fixes to improve their global standing? The program of the 2024 Riga Stratcom Dialogue can be seen here: Program (rigastratcomdialogue.org)