Anna Wieslander participated in the program BERLININSIDEOUT on Northern Outlooks: New Germany-scepticism in the Nordics?

December 4, 2023: Anna Wieslander, Chair of the ISDP Board, participated in the program BERLININSIDEOUT on Northern Outlooks: New Germany-scepticism in the Nordics?
From the EU’s northern enlargement to the euro crisis, Germany’s Nordic partners in the EU had often looked to Berlin as a champion of their interests. Now though, Berlin’s slow and indecisive handling of both support for Ukraine and NATO enlargement has raised concern in Helsinki and Stockholm – even as new gas deliveries spur excitement in Oslo or increased defense spending gives Copenhagen political impetus to increase its own investment.
With Finland having joined NATO to counter the Russian threat and Sweden well on its way to doing so, the Baltic Sea to Germany’s north has a significance for German and European security not seen since the end of the Cold War – but there’s little evidence Berlin appreciates the significance of NATO’s current northern moment.