China’s BRI in the time of economic slowdown: Jagannath Panda participates in a seminar organized by the University of Warsaw

June 21, 2022: Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA), participates in the seminar “China’s BRI in the time of economic slowdown: what does it mean for EU and Japan” (June 21, 15:00-16:30) organized by the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw.
More information about the event:
China has experienced an unprecedented economic growth over the last couple of decades. It helped shape the current trade policies and relations between China, its neighbours and most important partners, such as EU and Japan.
However recently China has been facing increasing difficulties, stemming from, but not limited to, Covid-19, aging population and the on-going war between Ukraine and Russia. This slowdown will impact Chinese initiatives, especially the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative as well as China’s regional and international position. How should then EU and Japan react to this slowdown? How much will it impact their trade, growth and security?
Here you can read more about the seminar.