Jagannath Panda joins ISDP as the Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) and Editor

March 3, 2022: ISDP is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jagannath Panda as the Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA), and Editor at the ISDP. He is a former fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, and is the current Director for Europe-Asia at the YCAPS (Japan), and an International Research Fellow at the Cannon Institute for Global Studies, Tokyo. As the Head of the SCSA-IPA, Dr. Panda will be leading ISDP’s research on Indo-Pacific with a focus on South Asia, India, China, Japan; and trying to establish closer cooperation between mainstream European and Asian research/policy communities. SCSA-IPA is a newly established research centre of ISDP.
“The SCSA-IPA is a unique research center in Europe since we do not have many research centers in Europe that emphasize on the importance of South Asia in Indo-Pacific. The distinction of the SCSA-IPA is to work on the Indo-Pacific narrative with a special focus on South Asia, India, Japan, China; drawing implications for Europe on both land and maritime corridors. My specialization on China-India Relations, Japan-India Relations, Korea-India Relations would allow me to draw and incorporate the broader policy implications and research nuances that Europe wants to navigate in Indo-Pacific. Through this Center, I am hopeful to strengthen the ties between ISDP and other Asian and European think-tanks and institutes”, said Dr. Panda.