Summary of the ISDP Forum Human rights as Economic Rights?

On June 8, 2017, ISDP organized a forum on the topic “Human rights as economic rights?” at the Mediterranean Museum. The forum was moderated by Lars Vargö, distinguished fellow at ISDP. The members of the panel were Jan Rudengren, international development expert, Jenny Grönwall, Programme Manager at SIWI, and Cecilia Widebäck West, former Head of Corporate Sustainability at Scandinavian Individual Bank (SEB).
The panel discussed issues such as the implications of the recent cuts in the USA developmental aid budget, the human right to drinking water, and the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in ensuring human rights.
ISDP wants to thank all speakers, and members of the audience. We especially would like to thank Jenny Grönwall and Cecilia Widebäck West, who joined the panel at the very last moment, after cancellations from original panel members.