Videos and Conference Report from Conference on East Asia Research

On May 11, 2017, researchers from all over Sweden focusing on East Asia gathered in Stockholm. The conference, organized by the Institute for Security & Development Policy and the European Institute of Japanese Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics, aimed to create opportunities to discuss the current research environment, challenges in the field, and prospects for increased cooperation. In this conference report, we summarize the day’s panel discussions and their findings. Presentations in this report have been summarized by ISDP. The full panels, including comments from the audience, can be found on ISDP’s website,
A special thanks goes to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, who through generous funding made this conference possible, and to the Stockholm School of Economics who provided the conference venue. We would also like to thank all speakers and participants for their engagement and positive feedback.
Follow this link for a PDF version of the conference report. Watch the videos from the day below or by following this link.
East Asia Research in Sweden: Welcoming remarks and Keynote Speech
Keynote speech by Urban Ahlin, Speaker of the Swedish Parliament
Welcoming remarks by Lars Ågren, Senior Executive Vice President, Stockholm School of Economics & Niklas Swanström, Director of the Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP)
Panel 1: The Asian Future – Effects of Asia on Sweden
With Cecilia Ruthström Ruin, Head of Department for Asia and the Pacific, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden & Frédéric Cho, Frédéric Cho Advisory AB.
Panel 2: Tried and Tested – Building for the Future
With Stein Tønnesson, Leader of Programme on the East Asian Peace, Uppsala University, Börje Ljunggren, Former Ambassador to China and Vietnam, and Marie Söderberg, Director of the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), Stockholm School of Economics.
Panel 3: The Present and Future of Swedish Asia Research
With Linus Hagström, Professor of Political Science, Swedish Defence University and Senior Research Fellow, UI, Johan Lindquist, Professor of Social Anthropology & Director of the Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm University & Marina Svensson, Director of the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University
Panel 4: Thinking Outside the Box – Solutions from Different Approaches
With Joakim Appelquist, Director and Head of International Division, Vinnova, Eva Hansson, Coordinator and Researcher with the Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm University & Niklas Swanström, Director, Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP)
Panel 5: Key findings
With Lars Vargö, Distinguished Fellow, ISDP & Karl Gustafsson, Associate Professor (Docent) & Senior Research Fellow, UI.