Webinar recording available: EU-Japan-India Economic Security Partnership: Engendering Reliable Mechanisms?

November 18, 2024: The recording of the ISDP-KIIP webinar “EU-Japan-India Economic Security Partnership: Engendering Reliable Mechanisms?” is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
This webinar jointly organized by the ISDP in Sweden, and the Kajima Institute of International Peace (KIIP) in Japan explores the conditions for forging an EU-India-Japan economic security partnership. With some of the finest experts, this online event aimed to address the following questions:
- What are the prerequisites for an enhanced EU-India-Japan economic security cooperation?
- Could the EU, Japan, and India forge a common perspective on economic security?
- Can such measures mitigate geopolitical risks and propel regional stability? How?
- To what degree can connectivity and infrastructure influence this potential economic security partnership?