Welcome to ISDP’s New Website!

We are proud to announce the launch of our new, redesigned website! Check out our new blog ISDP Voices, visit the experts page, browse publications or read more about our work in different regions and issue areas. We hope you will find sharp analysis, interesting events and valuable resources.
Whats new?
We have launched a brand new blog, ISDP Voices, which will bring you commentary, opinion, and analysis on the contemporary issues affecting Asia. Interested in submitting a piece? Contact our Editor, Alec Forss.
What was formerly known as Initiatives are now Centers. ISDP is currently in a period of expansion, tying additional renowned experts to our Institute to bring you top-level analysis.
The Stockholm China Center (SCC / 斯特哥尔摩中国中心) at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) is a platform designed to facilitate an avenue for better Sino-European mutual understanding and cooperation. The Center builds on ISDP’s unique network of partners within the Chinese Communist Party, military and civil society, as well as comprehensive in-house expertise on China affairs.
The Stockholm Japan Center aims at becoming a leading forum for research and discussions on the political, social and cultural aspects of Japan and its global role.
ISDP sets out to become a base for innovative Myanmar policymaking perspectives. With a full-time presence in Myanmar, ISDP actively supports many aspects of Myanmar’s ongoing political transitions.
The Turkey Center, launched in 2006, aims to function as a nexus for expertise, knowledge and information on Turkish politics, society, and foreign relations.
Center for Transnational Threats
CTT’s work aims to provide strategic analysis and practical solutions to help decision makers in both the public and private sectors to achieve their goals. The aim of the initiative is to raise the public awareness and create a debate on the negative societal effects of transnational threats.
Corporate Resources
ISDP can offer services tailored to our clientele’s specific needs at any time. Check out our Corporate Resources page for more information.
ISDP’s new website is still to some extend work in progress. If you find any issues with the page, please don’t hesitate to contact Web Admin Lisa Bäckman on lbackman@isdp.eu.