News & Media
Julian Tucker in Dagens Naeringsliv on the National People’s Congress
March 5, 2018: Julian Tucker appeared in Dagens Naeringsliv to talk about Xi Jinping and the National People’s Congress. “[China faces problems like] an aging society, climate change, technological breakthroughs, income disparity, and foreign policy challenges – not only with the United States, but also with regard to India, Russia and Southeast Asia, as well as […]
Svante Cornell gave a presentation at the annual AIPAC Policy Conference
March 4: Svante Cornell gave a presentation at a seminar of the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference, entitled “New Borders: Israel’s Strategy in the Caucasus and Central Asia.”
ISDP welcomes Jon Min Dok as Visiting Fellow
ISDP is pleased to welcome Director Jon Min Dok from the Institute for Disarmament and Peace, Pyongyang as Visiting Fellow. Director Jon’s present research focus is on the development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula after the Olympics. He will stay at ISDP from March 2 until March 30.
ISDP welcomes Sin Hyok as Visiting Fellow
ISDP is pleased to welcome Mr Sin Hyok from the Institute for Disarmament and Peace, Pyongyang as Visiting Fellow. Mr Sin’s present research focus is on peace and nuclear deterrence on the Korean Peninsula. He will stay at ISDP from March 2 until March 30.
ISDP hosted a lecture by Professor Wang Min
February 28, 2018: ISDP was pleased to welcome Professor Wang Min of the Research Center for International Japanese Studies at Hosei University. Professor Wang has been based in Japan for the last 40 years, and shared her findings on the similar roots of Japanese and Chinese cultures.
ISDP welcomes Park Hyeong Jung from the Korea Institute for National Unification as a Visiting Fellow
ISDP is pleased to welcome Dr Park Hyeong Jung from the Korea Institute for National Unification, Seoul as a Visiting Fellow. Dr Park’s research focuses on the internal situation in North Korea and Inter-Korean relations. He will spend one month at ISDP.
Sangsoo Lee in Radio Free Asia article on US-DPRK Relations after the Olympics
February 27, 2018: Sangsoo Lee was quoted in Radio Free Asia about US-DPRK relations. “There will not be any serious dialogue between the US and the DPRK any time soon, but Track 2 is something that we could expect.”
Mats Engman gave a lecture at Uppsala University’s Pax et Bellum
February 27, 2018: Mats Engman gave a lecture at Uppsala University’s Pax et Bellum association, talking about the situation on the Korean Peninsula and the Armistice Agreement.
Sangsoo Lee in The Outline about the Korean Peninsula after the Olympics
February 26, 2018: Sangsoo Lee appeared in The Outline to talk about the future of the Korean Peninsula and the prosects for continued reconciliation. “The Olympics provided short-term crisis management, but I’m pessimistic about the situation afterwards […]And when it comes to future Korean unification, there is a long way to go. I’m concerned about […]
Niklas Swanström on Morgonstudion about Inter-Korean relations after the Olympics
February 26, 2018: Niklas Swanström appeared on Morgonstudion (39:15) to talk about Inter-Korean relations going forward. “Framförallt tror jag att vi kommer få se en viss dialog mellan USA och Nordkorea. Vi kommer även kanske att få se en fortsatt diskussion med Sydkorea. Problemet är: vad är det vi ska diskutera? USA gick ut och sa […]