News & Media
Lars Vargö i Japanpodden om Japans “trassliga situation”
October 12, 2017: Lars Vargö was invited by Japanpodden to discuss Japan’s tense security situation. Listen to the podcast here.
Open Position as Editor/Publications Manager to Stockholm, Sweden
We seek a full-time Editor/Publications Manager to work closely with researchers and staff to manage and produce the Institute’s publications. The position entails independently overseeing all aspects of the publication process, including content and style-editing, fact-checking, proofreading, as well as liaising closely with project managers and outreach coordinator on planned publications. The successful candidate will […]
Niklas Swanström spoke at the China-Sweden Business Forum
ISDP Director Niklas Swanström held a speech on the Belt and Road Initiative at The CSBC China Sweden Business Forum which was held on October 9-10, 2017. The 2017 Forum focused on ‘Innovation & Cooperation’, exploring what is influencing China’s markets and economic growth, and provided insights into: ● Investment environment and policy in China/Sweden ● […]
Summary of the ISDP Forum Pulling the Breaks: Regulating Chinese FDI in the EU
Earlier this fall, the European Commission announced plans to start regulating Chinese FDI in the EU. On September 29th, ISDP arranged a panel discussion to discuss and debate how these new FDI regulations might function, if they are necessary and who are the winners and losers from them. Participating in the panel were three distinguished […]
ISDP Welcomes Delegation from the National Assembly of The Republic of Korea
On the 6th of October, ISDP welcomed a delegation of five members from the National Assembly of The Republic of Korea. During the meeting, ISDP and the delegation shared thoughts on the current situation on the Korean Peninsula and on how to best manage the crisis and its risks.
Niklas Swanström och Sangsoo Lee i Expressen om nästa vinter-OS i Pyeongchang
September 29,2017: Niklas Swantröm and Sangsoo Lee were quoted by Expressen about security concerns regarding the next Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. “Om de deltar kan det lätta upp spänningarna under OS. Men om de inte kommer blir det mer riskabelt. Gangwon-provinsen (där OS arrangeras) ligger väldigt nära gränsen, så om det sker en militär konflikt kommer […]
Niklas Swanström participated in Korea Global Forum 2017
Niklas Swanström participated in Korea Global Forum 2017, organized by the South Korea Ministry of Unification, Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI) and The Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Brussels on September 27, 2017. Dr. Swanström participated in a panel discussion on the topic of EU’s Role in solving North Korea’s Problems.
Niklas Swanström i Aftonbladet TV: Läget är skarpare än på mycket länge.
September 26, 2017: Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Aftonbladet TV on the continued escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States. Watch the interview here.
Niklas Swanström i Vasabladet: Det kan gå åt skogen
September 25, 2017: NIklas Swanström was interviewed in Vasabladet on the tense rhetoric between United States and North Korea. “Niklas Swanström, chef för Sveriges Institutet för säkerhets- och utvecklingspolitik tror inte att retoriken kommer avta, tvärtom. Riskerna för att något ska hända ökar för varje dag.”
Visit by the Sejong National Strategy Training Program
On September 22, ISDP received 29 South Korean government officials for the Sejong National Strategy Training Program. During the delegation’ visit, ISDP introduced its work on Korea and gave a lecture on Swedish security policy and its implication for the Korean Peninsula. The visit was arranged by the Sejong Institute and ISDP.