News & Media
Summary of a workshop on the operation and limits of anti-corruption structures in the People`s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Japan
On September 16, Professor Reinhard Drifte, Associated Fellow with ISDP’s Japan Center, and Emeritus Professor of Newcastle University, participated in a workshop at Hosei University in Tokyo which provided an introduction to and evaluation of the anti-corruption structures in the People`s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Japan. The event is part of a major […]
Sangsoo Lee in Radio Free Asia on the potential next missile test for North Korea
“Timing for another North Korean missile test could be around the 19th Chinese Congress Party, scheduled on the 18th of October.”
Sangsoo Lee in Around the Rings about Pyeong Chang 2018 and security concerns
“It is expected to see more missile tests by North Korea in the next few months as Kim Jong Un said ‘we will complete our nuclear and missile programs within this year.’”
Lars Vargö in SVT Morgonsoffan: Tonläget kommer fortsätta piskas upp
September 22, 2017: Lars Vargö was interviewed in SVT Morgonsoffan on the escalating rhetoric between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. Follow this link to watch the clip (35.00).
Niklas Swanström i Expressen: Vi kommer se en eskalering av retoriken
September 22, 2017. Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Expressen TV on the escalating rhetoric between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un. Follow this link, or watch the clip below.
Niklas Swanström i Aftonbladet: Det är befolkningen som får bära bördan
“Frågan är hur mycket av den sanktionen som blir verklighet. Det tar tid för sanktioner att få genomslag och all handel kan knappast kontrolleras och hur ska man ingripa mot illegala handel”
Niklas Swanström interviewed in Expressen TV
September 21, 2017: Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Expressen TV on Donald Trump’s speech in the United Nations General Assembly.
Lars Vargö i Studio Ett om Trumps uttalande om Nordkorea i FN
September 19, 2017: Lars Vargö was interviewed by Sveriges Radio’s Studio Ett about President Trump’s speech on North Korea in front of the United Nations General Assembly. Listen to the full interview here or click on the player (14:50)
Lars Vargö participated in panel discussion on North Korea’s nuclear weapons
On September 19th, Dr. Lars Vargö, Distinguished Fellow at ISDP, participated in a panel discussion on North Korea’s nuclear development at ABF. Read more here.
Niklas Swanström i Expressen TV om Nordkorea: “Är ett avskräckningssyfte”
September 16th: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by Expressen TV on the underlying reasons on North Korea’s nuclear and missile development. Watch the video here or follow this link.