News & Media
Summary of the ISDP forum The War of Words – North Korea, the US and where to go from here
On August 16th the ISDP held a public event in Stockholm titled “The War of Words – North Korea, the US and where to go from here,” moderated by ISDP’s Deputy Chairman of the Board Anna Wieslander. During the forum Dr. Niklas Swanström, ISDP’s Executive Director, and Dr. Sangsoo Lee, Senior Research Fellow and Head […]
Videos and Conference Report from Conference on East Asia Research
On May 11, 2017, researchers from all over Sweden focusing on East Asia gathered in Stockholm. The conference, organized by the Institute for Security & Development Policy and the European Institute of Japanese Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics, aimed to create opportunities to discuss the current research environment, challenges in the field, and […]
Niklas Swanström i Aftonbladet: Nordkorea inser konsekvenserna av en attack mot Guam
“Personligen tror jag inte att de kommer att anfalla Guam, för de inser konsekvenserna. Varje attack mot Guam kommer att ses som en aggressiv handling av USA”
Sangsoo Lee in Around the Rings: inter-Korean relations are unlikely to be improved in the near future
“South Korea is still willing to engage in North Korea by initiating the inter-Korean dialogue, while Pyongyang is refusing offers from Seoul”
Lars Vargö i Aftonbladet Live-chatt: Ingen vill kasta första stenen
August 10, 2017: Lars Vargö participated in a live chat on Aftonbladet, answering questions about the current situation in North Korea from the newspaper’s readers. Read the Q&A here.
Lars Vargö i Gomorron Sverige: Sverige kan spela en roll i krisen om parterna ber oss
August 11, 2017: Lars Vargö was interviewed in Gomorron Sverige on Swedish diplomatic involvement in North Korea. Which role can Sweden play in easing the tensions? Watch the video here (from 45.30).
Niklas Swanström i Sveriges Radio Studio Ett: Det finns en stolthet i Nordkorea
August 10, 2017: Niklas Swanström appered in Radio Sweden Studio Ett on the tensions between North Korea and the United States. Follow this link or listen to the interview below.
Niklas Swanström i Expressen TV: Dialog behövs för att minska spänningarna
August 10, 2017: Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Expressen TV on how to relieve the tensions between the United States and North Korea. Watch the video below or follow this link.
Niklas Swanström i Aftonbladet: Så stor är risken för en kärnvapenattack
August 10, 2017: Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Aftonbladet on the risk of a nuclear war between the United States and North Korea. Read the article and watch the video here (in Swedish).
Niklas Swanström i Expressen: Det är eskalering som vi inte har sett tidigare
“Ingen av de här ledarna kommer kunna backa ur nu. Vi behöver hitta någon ledare som kan skala ned tonläget rejält”