News & Media
Lars Vargö i Studio Ett om Trumps uttalande om Nordkorea i FN
September 19, 2017: Lars Vargö was interviewed by Sveriges Radio’s Studio Ett about President Trump’s speech on North Korea in front of the United Nations General Assembly. Listen to the full interview here or click on the player (14:50)
Lars Vargö participated in panel discussion on North Korea’s nuclear weapons
On September 19th, Dr. Lars Vargö, Distinguished Fellow at ISDP, participated in a panel discussion on North Korea’s nuclear development at ABF. Read more here.
Niklas Swanström i Expressen TV om Nordkorea: “Är ett avskräckningssyfte”
September 16th: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by Expressen TV on the underlying reasons on North Korea’s nuclear and missile development. Watch the video here or follow this link.
Roundtable with delegation from Le Shan Normal University
On September 15, 2017, ISDP welcomed a delegation from Le Shan Normal University (LSNU), China, for a roundtable discussion on regional and international topics, as well as opportunities for future cooperation between LSNU and ISDP. The meeting culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, as well as the conferring of the title of […]
Svante Cornell in Forbes on Uzbekistan’s economic reboot
“The Uzbeks have been self-imposed isolationists and now are about opening up to their neighbors,” says Svante Cornell, director of the Silk Road Program at the Central Asia-Caucusus Institute, with offices in both Washington and Sweden. “Karimov was also putting in place a strategy for fuller engagement with the outside world, but he had a lot of PR problems. Not so with Mirziyoyev. At least on the rhetorical level, I’m pleasantly surprised with how he has implemented foreign policy,” Cornell says from a cell phone while driving through Sweden.
Niklas Swanström in Expressen TV on the latest North Korean missile test
September 15, 2017: Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Expressen TV on North Korea’s September 15th missile test.
Expert Interview: UN Security Council Sanctions on North Korea
On September 11, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2375 (2017), which strengthens sanctions on North Korea in response to its nuclear test conducted on September 3. ISDP’s Korea Project answers some key questions on the implications of the latest sanctions.
Walter Kegö to Present on the Environmental Effects of Drug Production.
On September 20th, ISDP’s Senior Fellow Walter Kegö will hold a seminar in Eskilstuna on the environmental effects of drug production. Read more here.
Niklas Swanström in TV4 Nyhetsmorgon on the new UN Sanctions on North Korea
September 11, 2017: Niklas Swanström appeared in TV4 Nyhetsmorgon to discuss the toughened sanctions on North Korea.
Niklas Swanström i Expressen TV: Det kommer fler tester
September 6, 2017: Watch Niklas Swanström discuss the North Korean crisis in Expressen TV.