News & Media
Niklas Swanström i Aftonbladet: Därför vill Nordkorea attackera Guam
August 9, 2017: Niklas Swanström was quoted in the Aftonbladet article “Därför vill Kim Jong-un attackera ön Guam”
Niklas Swanström in Yle Nyheter: The Worst Situation Since the Korean War
“Frånvaron av militär dialog, frånvaro av dialog generellt, är just nu väldigt oroväckande. Man kommunicerar så att säga genom officiella uttalanden. Det här kommer att skapa en stor osäkerhet på Koreahalvön”
Niklas Swanström was interviewed in Radio Sweden on North Korea’s nuclear program
“Små misstag kan få konflikten att eskalera”
S. Frederick Starr quoted in Forbes article on Kazakhstan and the Belt and Road
“If Kairat can engage regional players, and not shut them out, then Astana can become a Central Asian finance hub”
Mamuka Tsereteli participated in Helsinki Commission briefing to examine energy security in Russia’s periphery
Mamuka Tsereteli with the Central Asia Caucasus Institute in Washington was invited to participate in a briefing organized by The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, serving to examine energy security in Russia’s periphery. From The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe’s website: Under Vladimir Putin, Russia has used its […]
Gareth Jenkins in the Daily Mail: No open investigation following Turkey Coup
July 12, 2017: Gareth Jenkins was quoted in the Daily Mail article Turkey’s coup: questions linger one year on. “We are not seeing an open investigation. It’s been very, very disappointing and in fact very frightening”
Niklas Swanström on Diplomatic Links with North Korea
“If there is an international sanctions regime, we as European states have to follow that but we also need to balance the risk of counter measures in Pyongyang,” said Niklas Swanstrom, director of the Stockholm-based Institute for Security and Development Policy, who met with officials in North Korea in May. “It is probably important to keep those diplomatic links because so few states have them.”
Walter Kegö in U-FOLD Almedalen Seminar on Narcotics, Trafficking and Terrorism
On Thursday, July 6th at 13.00-14.00, ISDP’s Walter Kegö will participate in a seminar in Almedalen organized by U-FOLD. The seminar will address the connection between narcotics abuse, trafficking, and terrorism. Read more on U-FOLD’s website or watch a video from the event here.
Niklas Swanström: Time to Negotiate with North Korea
July 4th, 2017: Niklas Swanström was quoted by TT, with articles in Sydsvenskan and HD amongst others, on North Korea’s latest missile test. “Det internationella samfundet måste sätta sig ner och fråga sig: Vad är vi villiga att göra? Och vad vill Nordkorea ha?”
Niklas Swanström Quoted in Sveriges Radio on North Korea’s Latest Missile Test
July 4th, 2017: Niklas Swanström was quoted in Sveriges Radio Ekot on North Korea’s latest missile test. “– Samtidigt ska man inte sticka under stolen med att det land som drabbas hårdast av den här utvecklingen är USA. Kina, Sydkorea och Japan ligger redan under militärt hot. Utvecklingen av de här interkontinentala robotarna är främst […]