News & Media
Niklas Swanström holds Keynote Speech at the ALYAS Lectures in Prague
June 19th, 2017: Niklas Swanström, Director of ISDP, holds a keynote speech at the AMO Lectures for Young Asia Scholars (ALYAS) program in Prague. ALYAS is a series of lectures for outstanding Czech young professionals in civil service, business, non-profit sector and academia with an interest in Asia affairs. Its main objective is to deepen the understanding of political, […]
Svante Cornell’s report on Turkey-EU relations discussed in Op-ed in Dalarnas Tidningar
“Fokusera inte på EU-medlemskapet, är Cornells råd. I stället nämner han att ekonomin och säkerhetspolitiken kan användas som påtryckningsmedel.”
Lars Vargö in SVT on Japanese Work Habits
“Det finns en oskriven regel att inte lämna jobbet innan chefen har gått hem. Det viktiga är att fylla ut arbetstiden, inte nödvändigtvis att vara produktiv, säger Lars Vargö.”
Summary of the ISDP Forum: The International Politics of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict
On June 13, 2017,ISDP welcomed James Sherr and Svante Cornell for a discussion on the international politics of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
Suat Kiniklioglu Speaks at Koerber Debate in Hamburg
ISDP Senior Fellow Suat Kiniklioglu spoke at the Koerber Debate on the question whether Turkey is still a partner for Germany and Europe. Mr. Kiniklioglu debated against former chairman of the German Parliament’s foreign affairs committee Ruprecht Polenz. The debate was moderated by Südeutsche Zeitung Foreign News editor Stefan Cornelius. More than 300 guests followed […]
S. Frederick Starr quoted in The Federalist on the New Silk Road Initiative
In a series of articles between 2000 to 2007, S. Frederick Starr, originated the idea to build infrastructure to promote trade and security along the ancient “Silk Road,” a network of trade routes that connected commerce between Asia and the West.
Niklas Swanström in Expressen DPRK’s Release of the American Student Otto Warmbier
June 14th, 2017: Niklas Swanström was quoted in Expressen on North Korea’s release of the American student Otto Warmbier, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison in March 2016. Read more here. “– Men sedan tror jag att osäkerhetsfrågan kanske är det svåraste för en sådan här person, att inte veta vad som händer imorgon. […]
Boris Ajeganov Participates In “Clashing Visions: Russian Foreign Policy in The Age Of Xi And Trump” Conference at Oxford University
On May 26, Boris Ajeganov, Junior Research Fellow with the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center, participated in the Clashing Visions: Russian Foreign Policy in The Age Of Xi And Trump conference at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. He held a presentation on the EU’s willingness and capacity for conflict resolution entitled “The […]
Report Launch at Stockholm Free World Forum
On June 14th, Svante Cornell, Director of ISDP, will launch a new report on “EU och det nya Turkiet” (EU and the New Turkey) at Stockholm Free World Forum. Find more information and sign up on Stockholm Free World Forum’s website.
Niklas Swanström in Kit on Sweden’s Relation to North Korea
“Alla utländska organisationer är sedda med stor skepticism men Sverige är ändå graderna bättre. Det som är unikt är att ISDP har varit där under så lång tid. Vår långsiktighet gör att vi får behålla lite av kontakterna. Ibland är vi väldigt tuffa men trots det sparkar de inte ut oss. “