News & Media
Summary of the ISDP Forum “Prospects of Cooperation in North East Asia”
On May 10, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy welcomed Woosuk Jung, from the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, for a presentation on the chemical management policy in EU and North-East Asia, and Namgyun Kim, from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea, for a […]
Discussion on Developments in Tibet
On May 24, 2017, ISDP hosted a roundtable with a delegation from governmental, academic, religious and associative backgrounds from Tibet, for a discussion on the latest developments in the country. ISDP Director Niklas Swanström, Deputy Director Malin Almquist-Dworsky, and research staff welcomed the delegation. The participants discussed a range of topics, including education, Buddhism, and environmental issues.
Suat Kiniklioglu quoted in the Financial Times on Erdoğan’s leadership
“It’s difficult to speak of the AK Party in a traditional sense anymore. It has very much become a personality dominated organization.”
Jens Sörensen Participates in Seminar on the Image of Sweden
On May 16 2017, Jens Sörensen will participate in a seminar on the image of Sweden at Vetenskapsrådet. Read more here. Watch a video of the event here:
S. Frederick Starr quoted in the Washington Post on China’s Influence in Central Asia
May 12th, 2017 – S. Frederick Starr was quoted in the Washington Post, in the article As U.S. retreats in Asia-Pacific, China fills the void with an ambitious global plan, on China’s influence in Central Asia. “Putin is equally wary of China’s influence in Central Asia, a region that Russia considers its back yard, and is […]
Sangsoo Lee quoted in the South China Morning Post on China-DPRK relations
“China will benefit if the crisis eases on the Korean peninsula”
S. Frederick Starr quoted in the South China Morning Post on the failed US Silk Road Initiative
This was supposed to be a big legacy project in Afghanistan, but after giving the speech the cut-and-run mentality was so strong that there was never any indication that the White House had ever endorsed this.
Sangsoo Lee and Eleonora Rossi quoted in Around the Rings on PyeongChang 2018
Proceeding with baby steps, such as sports diplomacy, could be a viable and relatively easy option for Moon, possibly favoring and leading to further engagement
Niklas Swanström Quoted in Aftonbladet on DPRK Dialogue Meeting in Norway
“Det är en mycket liberal organisation och jag tror att dess inflytande på USA:s regering är väldigt litet. Med det sagt är alla försök till dialog med Nordkorea positivt. Alla former av kommunikation är mycket bättre än konfrontation.”
Summary of the ISDP Forum “DPRK Perspectives on Current Security Challenges”
On May 5, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy welcomed Hwang Ik Hwan, Director of the Institute for Disarmament and Peace (IDP), DPRK, and O Chol Yong, Research Fellow at the same institute. Both speakers have spent one month as Visiting Fellows at ISDP. The event was moderated by Dr. Sangsoo Lee, Senior Research Fellow […]