News & Media
Niklas Swanström Participates in Atlantic Council Discussion on Strengthening Atlantic-Pacific Partnerships
On January 27, Dr. Niklas Swanström, Director of ISDP, will participate in a discussion on Strenghtening Atlantic-Pacific Partnerships, organized by the Atlantic Council’s Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security. The discussion will center on reinforcing norms and an open, rules-based system for the international economy and the global commons through strengthening Atlantic-Pacific partnerships. Find more information on […]
Svante Cornell Quoted by Fox News on Turkey’s Turbulent 2016
“… under Erdogan’s personal rule, Turkey’s destabilization is likely to continue (…) Thus, European leaders now need to see what has been obvious for some time: rather than an ally with which to handle regional problems, Turkey will itself increasingly be the problem,” said Cornell.
Niklas Swanström Quoted in Svenska Dagbladet on China’s Investment in Renewable Energy
“Det här handlar inte bara om att förhindra global uppvärmning, det handlar om grundläggande överlevnad (…) Av Kinas 367 städer lever 80 procent inte ens upp till den interna kinesiska standarden för luftkvalitet. Det här är ett fruktansvärt stort problem, som växer exponentiellt”, said Swanström.
Halil Karaveli in Washington Post on Turkey’s Deteriorating Situation
“In a country that is destabilized in this way, and which is involved in a war on the other side of its border, the likelihood that things are going to get worse is quite significant”
Elliot Brennan Quoted by CNN on Cultural Relativism in Asia
“The outcry over the Nazi costumes in Taiwan, while obviously offensive to those educated on this terrible period in history, should remind us of the dangers of cultural relativism,” said Brennan.
Gareth Jenkins Quoted in Spiegel Online on Increased Radicalization of Turkey’s Kurds
“The decline of the HDP means that more Kurds are joining the PKK. According to Jenkins, “an entire generation is being radicalized”.
Dr. Zhang Chunyan Held a Presentation on US-India Cyber Security Cooperation
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016, ISDP hosted a forum with Dr. Zhang Chunyan, currently a visiting fellow at the Institute. Dr. Zhang Chunyan began by outlining her work on the US-Indian Cyber Security partnership. This included outlining the major developments in the area, the political and economic factors driving the collaborations between the two governments […]
Video and Summary of the ISDP Forum “Sino-Nordic Relations: Opportunities and the Way Ahead”
On November 11, 2016, the Institute for Security and Development Policy organized a forum on Sino-Nordic Relations: Opportunities and the Way Ahead. The event aimed to discuss ways for China and the Nordic countries to improve cooperation and explore new possibilities. The event started with a keynote speech by H.E. Ambassador Chen Yuming, Ambassador Plenipotentiary […]
Dr. Jianjun Ding Held Presentation on China–Pakistan Economic Corridor and China-Pakistan Relations
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016, ISDP hosted a forum with Dr. Jianjun Ding, currently a visiting fellow at the Institute. Dr. Jianjun Ding presented the findings of her research into the Chinese Pakistani relations in the context of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. In the course of this she touched on the infrastructure, domestic political and […]
Gareth Jenkins in the German Documentary Mensch Erdogan
December 13, 2016: Gareth Jenkins, Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow at ISDP, appeared in Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen’s documentary “Mensch Erdogan! Die Geheimnisse des türkischen Präsidenten”. Watch the full documentary here.