News & Media
Dr. Niklas Swanström Taught Classes on International Negotiations and OBOR at Sichuan University
During the spring semester of 2016, Dr. Niklas Swanström, Director of ISDP, taught two classes at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, where he is a Guest Professor. The courses covered the subjects International Negotiations, and China´s Regional Neighborhood: Opportunities and Challenges for China under the OBOR Initiative respectively. During his visit to Sichuan University, Dr. Swanström also […]
Two Open Internship Positions
ISDP has two open internship positions for the fall of 2016. We have one position with the Outreach Team, working closely together with the Outreach Coordinator, and one position with our Asia Team, focusing on China, the Korean Peninsula and/or Myanmar. Follow the links below for more information about the positions and how to apply. […]
Halil Karaveli was Quoted in RFERL on Erdogan’s Visit to Russia
August 8th, 2016: Halil Karaveli was quoted in the Radio Free Europe Radio Libery article Erdogan Goes To Russia: Turkish Leader Seeks To Mend Fences With Kremlin. “This is the subtext…of the meeting” between Putin and Erdogan, Karaveli says: “Demonstrating to Washington that ‘Hey, we can also talk to others, you are not our only option.’”
Halil Karaveli was Quoted in Expressen on the Turkey Coup and Erdogan’s Leadership
August 5, 2016: Halil Karaveli was quoted in the Expressen article Erdogan: Härskaren. “Varken Erdogan eller gülenisterna är några demokrater men Erdogan är i alla fall demokratiskt vald. Han har därför någon sorts legitimitet och kan också väljas bort”
Halil Karaveli in Svenska Dagbladet: Erdoğans utrensningar är nödvändiga
– Det kan komma fler kupper och det kan bli ännu blodigare än sist. EU måste förstå detta. Även om Erdoğan är auktoritär är han demokratiskt vald och EU-länderna måste i någon mån solidarisera sig med den demokratiska regimen i EU, säger han.
Halil Karaveli was Quoted in the Financial Times on Erdogan’s Reaction to the Turkey Coup Attempt
“These are very uncertain times for Turkey. Discipline has broken down, the hierarchy has broken down . . . What we are seeing is a desperate attempt by the government to remain in control of an armed forces that has imploded.”
Halil Karaveli in Expressen on the Post-Coup Situation in Turkey
“Kuppförsöket slogs visserligen ned, men den turkiska staten har i stort sett kollapsat som ett resultat. Nu försöker regimen försäkra sig om att de inte ska bli utsatta för fler kupper och utrensningarna är ett försök att bryta ner Güllenrörelsen och dess makt”
Halil Karaveli Quoted in the NY Times on the Effects of the Turkey Coup Attempt
“With its main pillar, the military, broken, the Turkish state will no longer be able to check a divided society or effectively counter security threats”
Garteh Jenkins Quoted in Reuters on the future of Turkey
“What we have seen in the last few days is the start of a process which will have an impact on Turkey and its armed forces for the next 20-30 years. It is monumental”
Svante Cornell Quoted on the Turkey-U.S. Relationship
“This is going to emerge as a damaged military, far less capable of helping us in the anti-ISIL fight”