News & Media
Jagannath Panda was quoted by Voice of America (Chinese) on China-Bhutan relations
December 14, 2023: Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs, was quoted by Voice of America (Chinese) on China-Bhutan relations. You can find the article here (in Chinese).
Recording available: A Post-Liberal Indo-Pacific? Perspectives on the Future of the International Order
December 13, 2023: The recording of the ISDP-Sejong Institute Webinar “A Post-Liberal Indo-Pacific? Perspectives on the Future of the International Order” is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel. The event addresses the following questions: How do the Indo-Pacific strategies of the U.S., EU, India, South Korea, Japan etc., differ in their position on cooperating with […]
Anna Wieslander on TV4 Nyhetsmorgon to discuss the new Swedish-U.S. defense cooperation agreement and Ukraine
December 12, 2023: Anna Wieslander, Chair of the ISDP Board, was invited by TV4 Nyhetsmorgon to discuss the current world situation, the new Swedish-U.S. defense cooperation agreement, and Ukraine. Anna Wieslander’s main message: – The global situation is very serious. – The agreement with the U.S. is good for Sweden, given the importance of deterrence […]
Appeal of think-tankers to the citizens of Europe and their leaders: Abandoning Ukraine would render Europe terribly vulnerable.
December 12, 2023: Anna Wieslander, Chair of the ISDP Board, signed an appeal of think-tankers who have been working on European security for many years to the citizens of Europe and their leaders. Abandoning Ukraine would render Europe terribly vulnerable. The three key messages of the appeal are: The situation is critical. There is an […]
Jagannath Panda was quoted by the South China Morning Post on India’s alignment with Israel
December 12, 2023: Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs, was quoted by the South China Morning Post on India’s alignment with Israel. He said that India’s alignment with Israel is part of its calculations to increase its clout in the Middle East. “India has been a part of […]
Mats Engman participated in a roundtable discussion organized by the Stimson Center and KINAC
December 12, 2023: On Thursday December 7, MajGen (ret) Mats Engman, a Distinguished Military Fellow at ISDP, participated in a roundtable discussion in Seoul. The event was co-arranged between Stimson Center from the USA and the Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) from South Korea. The topic of the discussion was “Prospects for […]
ISDP held a hybrid event on “New Supply Chain and India-Korea Global Connect: Can the EU Become a Partner?”
December 8, 2023: The Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) held a hybrid event titled “New Supply Chain and India-Korea Global Connect: Can the EU Become a Partner?” on Thursday, December 7, 2023. This event is a part of the research project “India-South Korea Connect in Indo-Pacific: Minilateralism to Multilateralism” supported by […]
Jagannath Panda participated in the CSDR-KAS Conference on ‘India and the New European Geo-Politics’
December 5, 2023: Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs, participated in the CSDR-KAS Conference on ‘India and the New European Geo-Politics’ held in New Delhi (November 9-10, 2023). The conference focused on India’s understanding of changes in the European security order in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war.
Anna Wieslander talked about Sweden, NATO and security in P1 Morgon, Sveriges Radio
December 4, 2023: Anna Wieslander, Chair of the ISDP Board, discussed in P1 Morgon, Sveriges Radio, why Sweden did not join NATO in time, as Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had hoped. And how is Sweden’s security situation affected by the delay. The segment starts 76 minutes into the broadcast (in Sweden).
Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy was quoted in Euractiv in an article titled “Will the EU-China summit be another ‘dialogue of the deaf’?”
December 4, 2023: Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Associated Research Fellow at ISDP, was quoted in Euractiv in an article titled “Will the EU-China summit be another ‘dialogue of the deaf’?” “With its economy severely underperforming, Beijing also has an interest in slowing Europe’s de-risking. China needs Europe, which should give Europeans the kind of leverage they […]