News & Media
“Japanese Domestic Politics after the General Election 2021″Webinar Recording Available Online
The full recording of ISDP and JHSs “Japanese Domestic Politics after the General Election 2021” webinar is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel. Watch the webinar recording here!
“The past was brilliant, the future uncertain. About Swedish companies in China” Webinar Recording Available Online
The full recording of ISDPs “The past was brilliant, the future uncertain. About Swedish companies in China” is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
Torbjörn Lodén wrote a piece in SvD about Chinese lessons and ideals.
Torbjörn Lodén has written an article in Svenska Dagbladet on Chinese lessons and Enlightenment ideals in connection to the passing of two influential Chinese scholars. Read the article here.
Sangsoo Lee spoke to RFA about North Koreas missiles tests.
Sangsoo Lee, ISDP´s Deputy Director and Head of the Korea Center, spoke to RFAs in an interview, about North Korea and their continuous missile tests this year, in Korean. Listen to the interview here!
“ISDP-KAS Webinar III: Sino-Nordic Interests in the Arctic” Webinar Recording Available Online
The full recording of ISDPs “ISDP-KAS Webinar III: Sino-Nordic Interests in the Arctic” is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel. Watch the online recoding here!
Niklas Swanström spoke to “Håll Gränsen” about security development in Indo-pacific region
Niklas Swanström spoke to the Swedish podcast “Håll gränsen” about the security development in the Indo-pacific region, including the new trilateral alliance AUKUS. Listen to the podcast episode here.
“Women’s Participation in Politics – Swedish & Taiwanese Perspectives” Webinar Recording Available Online
The full recording of ISDPs “Women’s Participation in Politics – Swedish & Taiwanese Perspectives” is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
Lars Vargö spoke to Studio Ett about North Korea submarine-launched missile
Lars Vargö, Head of ISDP Stockholms Japan Center, spoke to Sveriges Radio, Studio Ett, about that North Korea have test-fired another ballistic missile from a submarine last Tuesday. Listen to the whole news clip here.
AUKUS and Europe – Niklas Swanström and Jagannath P. Panda in the Sunday Guardian
ISDP´s Executive Director, Mr. Swanström, and Associated Senior Research Fellow, Mr. Panda published an article in the Indian newspaper Sunday Guardian Live about AUKUS and its implications on Europe and transatlantic relations. You can read the whole article here. If you want to gain more knowledge of the newly formed alliance AUKUS, ISDP will later […]
Read Larissa Stünkel and Daisuke Akimoto’s article in The Diplomat!
Last week one of our Junior Research Fellows Larissa Stünkel, and Associated Fellow. Daisuke Akimoto published an article about Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and the economic policy of the Kishida administration. This article analyses the nature and prospect of Kishida’s economic policy, or “Kishidanomics”. The full article is available on The Diplomat’s website.