News & Media
Mats Engman to TV4 Nyheterna About North Korea’s Military Parade
October 10, 2020: ISDP’s Distinguished Military Fellow, Mats Engman, spoke to TV4 Nyheterna (Swedish) about North Korea’s military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the country’s ruling party. Watch the clip here.
The Full Recording of Our Lecture with Dr. Ingemar Ottosson is Available Now
The full recording of the Stockholm China Center’s recent virtual lecture on “Sweden and China: 400 Years of Relations in Retrospect” with Dr. Ingemar Ottosson is now available on our Youtube channel.
Full Recording of Webinar on “Human Security: Its Importance, Challenges, and the case of Japan” Available Now
The full recording of ISDP’s recent webinar on “Human Security: Its Importance, Challenges, and the case of Japan” with Marie Højlund Roesgaard, Gerd Johnsson Latham, Pål Jonson, Lars Vargö, and Torbjörn Lodén, is now available on our Youtube channel.
Niklas Swanström Spoke to Swedish Radio about North Korea’s Killing of South Korean Official
September 25, 2020: ISDP’s Executive Director, Dr. Niklas Swanström, spoke to Sveriges Radio Ekot (Swedish) about Chairman Kim Jong-un’s apology to President Moon Jae-in for the killing of a South Korean official. “Det finns inga kontakter, Nordkorea har vägrat att prata med Sydkorea. Att Kim Jong-un nu skickar ett brev till President Moon är en […]
Full Recording of ISDP’s “Developments in U.S.-Taiwan Relations” Webinar Available Now
The full recording of ISDP’s recent webinar with Taiwanese Representative Vincent Chin-Hsiang Yao and ISDP’s Torbjörn Lodén, “Developments in U.S.-Taiwan Relations”, is now available on our Youtube channel.
Sangsoo Lee Participated in a Seminar at Korea University about Sweden’s Covid-19 Measures
August 27, 2020: Dr. Sangsoo Lee made a presentation on Sweden’s Covid-19 measures at a seminar on the Nordic countries’ responses to Covid-19, organized by the Nordic-Benelux Center at Korea University.
Niklas Swanström Participated in the ‘Korea Global Forum for Peace’
September 7, 2020: ISDP’s Executive Director, Dr. Niklas Swanström, participated as a speaker at the ‘Korea Global Forum for Peace’ on the topic of a “paradigm shift for peace and dispute resolution on the Korean Peninsula”. The full recording is available on YouTube.
ISDP Welcomes Riccardo Villa as the New Project Coordinator with the Stockholm Korea Center
ISDP is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Riccardo Villa as the new Project Coordinator at the Stockholm Korea Center. He holds a Master of Arts in Global Peace, Security and Strategic Studies from Vesalius College in Brussels, Belgium, as well as a bachelor’s degree in Languages, Cultures and Societies, specializing in the Indian […]
ISDP Welcomes Torbjörn Lodén as the New Head of the Stockholm China Center
ISDP is pleased to announce the appointment of Torbjörn Lodén as the new Head of the Stockholm China Center. Mr. Lodén’s most recent post was as Professor of Chinese language and culture at Stockholm University, through 1990 to 2014. He has a bachelor’s degree in Russian and philosophy from Stockholm University (1968), and took up […]
Torbjörn Lodén About Taiwan-Somaliland Relations
August 19, 2020: Associated Senior Research Fellow, Torbjörn Lodén, appeared on the Swedish Radio program Studio Ett to discuss the news that Taiwan has established relations with Somaliland. “Det har symbolisk betydelse . . . Det handlar i första hand inte alls om att uppmäta fullvärdiga diplomatiska förbindelser, för det är under den närmaste tiden […]