News & Media
Summary of the ISDP Forum Shaking Hands with Clenched Fists – Book Presentation by Asma Khawaja
On September 25, 2019, ISDP held a public forum with a presentation by Dr. Asma Khawaja of the National Defence University of Pakistan about her new book Shaking Hands with Clenched Fists: The Grand Trunk Road to Confidence Building Measures Between Pakistan and India. The presentation was commented on by Maj Gen (ret) Per Lodin, former Head […]
Gareth Jenkins in Reuters about AKP membership numbers
September 27, 2019: Gareth Jenkins was interviewed by Reuters about the state of Erdogan’s AKP. “Erdogan’s popularity over the last seven years…is generally on a declining trend, artificially boosted by one-off events, to the point where it looks irreversible.”
Summary and Video of the ISDP Forum China’s Strategic Priorities – Change or Continuity?
On September 2, 2019, ISDP hosted a public forum, on the topic China’s Strategic priorities – change or continuity? The main speaker of the event was Professor Hsih Chih Chen from the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. Following Dr Chen’s speech, a discussion was carried out by Dr. Lars Vargö, former Ambassador of Sweden […]
Mats Engman on SVT Nyheter about the Reasoning Behind North Korea’s Latest Missile Tests
October 3, 2019: Mats Engman was interviewed by SVT Nyheter about the latest missile tests undertaken by North Korea. “North Korea needs to be able to showcase its weapons systems for its own people and the outside world.”
Niklas Swanström in Dagens Nyheter about differing strategies between the U.S. and North Korea
October 6, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by Dagens Nyheter about the differing strategies between the U.S. and North Korea. För Nordkorea är det en klassisk taktik att vara tuff och kompromisslös i sina förhandlingar. Man skyller till hundra procent på USA och säger att det nu är upp till dem att komma med något […]
Niklas Swanström gave a presentation at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
September 30, 2019: Niklas Swanström gave a presentation at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Dehli, India on “China’s Outreach in Europe: What it Means to India.”
ISDP has moved offices!
September 3, 2019: Starting in September, ISDP is located in nice, bright offices on the third floor of Västra Finnbodavägen 2, the same building as before. Come visit! Above are our new wonderful interns for the semester: from left to right Mahika Sri Krishna, Johannes Nordin, Cristina da Costa Ferreira, and Hayato Fujisaki.
ISDP hosted a seminar with Lee Seung Yeol
September 5, 2019: ISDP hosted a final seminar with Dr. Lee Seung Yeol of the Republic of Korea’s National Assembly Research Service. Dr. Lee ended his visiting fellowship at ISDP with a seminar entitled “Three Methods for Resolving of the North Korean Nuclear Issues: focused on policy limits.” ISDP would like to extend its deepest […]
ISDP hosted a roundtable discussion with Prof Hsih Chih Chen
September 5, 2019: ISDP hosted a roundtable discussion with Prof Hsih-Chih Chen from National Cheng Kung University, Taipei. The discussion centered around the upcoming 2020 Taiwanese presidential elections, current Taiwanese-Chinese relations in light of the 2019 Hong Kong protests, and Taiwan´s diplomatic ties with other states, such as the USA, Japan and India.
Sangsoo Lee on Radio Free Asia about developments on the Korean Peninsula
August 27, 2019: Sangsoo Lee was interviewed by Radio Free Asia about developments on the Korean Peninsula. “Before resuming working level meetings between the U.S. and the DPRK, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to prove itself capable to the DPRK leadership.”