News & Media
ISDP welcomes visiting fellows from North Korea
May 28, 2019: ISDP is pleased to welcome Mr. Paek Song Chol, Director, and Mr. Choe Hyon Do, Officer from the Department of Economic Policy, Korea-Europe Association, Pyongyang, North Korea, as visiting fellows at ISDP during May-June 2019. At ISDP, they will focus their research on economic policy on the Korean Peninsula.
Summary and Video of the ISDP Forum Japan’s Human Security Policy – the Concept at 25
On May 17, 2019, ISDP hosted a public forum entitled “Japan’s Human Security Policy – the Concept at 25”. To open the forum, ISDP welcomed Professor Akiko Yamanaka, Special Advisor to the President of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), for a presentation reflecting Japan’s take on the concept of Human […]
Summary and Video of the ISDP Forum Chinese Investment, Infrastructure and Influence in Europe – the Global Context
On May 16, 2019, ISDP hosted a forum entitled; “Chinese Investment, Infrastructure and Influence in Europe – the Global Context”. For the initial keynote presentation, ISDP welcomed Dr. Matt Ferchen, a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy. Following his presentation, Dr. Ferchen took part in a panel discussion with Ms. Maria Åsenius, Head […]
Halil Karaveli in Ahram Online on Turkish elections
May 8, 2019: Halil Karaveli was interviewed by Ahram Online after the recent decision by the Turkey’s High Election Board (YSK) to accept an appeal by the Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) for a re-run of local polls in Istanbul on the basis of irregularities. “The presidential system that was introduced last year was to […]
Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT on North Korea’s recent projectile launch
May 4, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT on the recent projectile launch, with appearances in Aftonbladet, Dangens Industri, Upsala Nya Tidning and Folkbladet, among others. “Det är samtidigt en stark indikation på att han försöker få Donald Trumps uppmärksamhet. Nordkorea är oerhört frustrerat över att USA inte vill släppa sanktionerna och erkänna landet […]
Lars Vargö interviewed by TT about the abdication of the Emperor of Japan
April 30, 2019: Lars Vargö was interviewed by TT with appearances on Sveriges Radio, Sydsvenskan, and Norrländska Socialdemokraten about the abdication of the Emperor of Japan. “Han tänker i japanska termer relativt kreativt. Inom den japanska kulturen är det en stor sak för en kejsare att abdikera, på så sätt tycker jag att beslutet passar […]
Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT on the Kim-Putin summit
April 25, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT on the Kim-Putin summit, with appearances in Svenska Dagbladet, Folkbladet and Norrbottens-Kuriren, among others: “Nordkorea tvingades till förhandlingsbordet på grund av det massiva, samlade internationella trycket. Men om USA, Ryssland, Kina och Sydkorea antar olika strategier gynnar det Nordkorea, då får man större manöverutrymme.”
Sangsoo Lee in Eurasia Expert on President Moon’s visit to Central Asia
April 24, 2019: Sangsoo Lee was interviewed by Eurasia Expert on Moon Jae-in’s visit to Central Asia. “South Korea wants to boost economic cooperation with the countries of Central Asia. Moon’s visit will lead to enhanced cooperation between South Korea and three countries of Central Asia, as the parties agreed new joint projects in the […]
Niklas Swanström on Sveriges Radio about the Kim-Putin summit
April 24, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by Sveriges Radio about the Kim-Putin summit in Vladivostok. “Framförallt när Trump har misslyckats så vill Putin komma in som den stora statsmannen och åstadkomma något. Han ser det som ett stort tillfälle att kliva fram.”
Summary and Video of the ISDP Forum the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor – Stirring Tensions or Spurring Development?
On April 10, 2019, ISDP hosted a public forum entitled “The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor – Stirring Tensions or Spurring Development?” To open the forum, ISDP welcomed Ms. Marvi Memon, former Pakistani Federal Minister and Chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) for a presentation on the history of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) […]