Search results for: Svante E. Cornell
Ett nytt Centralasien växer fram
...Under senare år har Centralasien inte orsakat mycket entusiasm i Sverige eller Europa. Regionen är mest känd som en hemvist för auktoritärt styre där korruptionen flödar, och den mediebevakning...
Modernization and Regional Cooperation in Central Asia: A New Spring?
...Executive Summary Until recently, regional cooperation among Central Asian states has left much to be desired. While a number of initiatives have been launched over the past quarter-century, there...
Uzbekistan’s New Face
...Uzbekistan, long considered the center of Central Asia, has the region’s largest population and borders every other regional state including Afghanistan. For the first 25 years of its independence,...
A Road to Understanding in Syria?
...Getting to better relations with Turkey will not be easy. But it’s far from impossible. In early June, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut...
The U.S. Should Go Around Erdogan to Engage Turkey
...Following recent clashes at the Gaza-Israel border, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has broken his tenuous two-year cease-fire with Israel and returned to spewing invective at the Jewish state....
Religion and the Secular State in Uzbekistan
...Executive Summary Major political and economic reforms have been initiated since Shavkat Mirziyoyev became the country’s President in fall 2016. The interaction between state and religion has been part...
Religion and the Secular State in Kazakhstan
...Executive Summary At independence, Kazakhstan shared with the successor states to the Soviet Union the challenge of replacing Soviet atheism with new state approaches to religion. Like the rest...
The Long Game on the Silk Road: U.S. and EU Strategy for Central Asia and the Caucasus
...This book argues that American and European policies toward Central Asia and the Caucasus suffer from both conceptual and structural impediments. It traces the framework of Western policies to...
The U.S. and Turkey: Past the Point of No Return?
...U.S.-Turkish relations have deteriorated for some time. But until recently, no one would have thought that the American and Turkish militaries, closely allied since the 1950s, could end up confronting...
Erdogan’s Turkey: The Role Of A Little Known Islamist Poet
...Most Arab leaders – Saudi Arabia chief among them – took the decision in their stride. The one major exception was Turkey. This intriguing op-ed explores why the NATO ally...