Arthur Ding
Associated Research Fellow
Dr. Arthur Ding is the Director and Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of International Relations (IIR), National Chengchi University, NCCU, Taipei. He was formerly the Director of China Politics Division at NCCU and also an Adjunction Professor at National Defense University, the Political Warfare College as well as at the Graduate Institutes for American Studies and Mainland China Studies in Taipei, Taiwan. He is also a member of the Chinese Council for Advanced Policy Studies, and board Member of the Mainland China Study Association, Taipei, Taiwan. He holds a Ph.D. in Government and International Studies form the University of Notre Dame.
His international experiences include being a Fulbright Scholar at the Fairbank Center, Harvard University; a visiting fellow at the Center for Non-Proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies; and a Visiting Research Associate, Asian Studies Program, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
His numerous publications and research include topics on China’s Security Policy, Chinese Defence, American Foreign Policy, Chinese Politics and International Relations in East Asia. He is also a member of the editorial boars of a number of journals, including International Affairs (Taiwan), Defence Policy Review (Taiwan), and Prospect Quarterly.
Refereed Journals/Book Articles
1. “Impact of the Shangri-La Dialogue on Regional Security Order in the Asia-Pacific,” Yatai Pinglun(亞太評論)(Asia Pacific Review), Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2015), pp. 63-77 (in Chinese)
2. “China’s Defense Industry in the Age of Globalization: More Potential Opportunities but…,” in Monique Chu and Scott L. Kastner (eds) Globalization and Security Relations across the Taiwan Strait (NT/London: Routledge, 2014).
3. with Huang Anhao and Wang Junpin, “‘Confidence-Building Measures’ in China’s History: Song-Liao Military Relations as Example,” Prospect Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 2(May 2012), pp. 99-141. (in Chinese) PDF Link
4. “Will Taiwan Go Nuclear?” in James J. Wirtz and Peter Lavoy (eds) Over the Horizon Proliferation Threats (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2012), pp. 33-46.
5. “Taiwan’s Paradoxical Perceptions of the Chinese Military: More Capable but Less Threatening?” China Perspectives, No. 4, 2011, pp. 43-51. PDF Link.
6. “China’s Military,” in Jenn-Huan Wang, C. P. Tang, and Song Kuo-cheng Song (eds) Mainland China and Cross-Strait Relations (Taipei: Chuliu Publisher, 2011), pp. 65-86. (in Chinese)
7. “China’s Military Confidence Building Measures Policy toward Taiwan: Adhering to One China Principle and Eventual Re-Unification,” Asia-Pacific Forum, No. 52 (June 2011), pp. 86-106. (in Chinese) Link.
8. “US-PRC Disputes over Space, BMD and Nuclear Policies: An Analysis,” Mainland China Studies (MCS)[Zhongguo dalu yanjiu], Vol. 53, No. 1 (March 2010) (in Chinese). Link
9. “Practice without Formal Agreement: Fragile Stability in the Taiwan Strait,” in Niklas Swanstrom and Sofia Ledberg (eds) Conflict Prevention and Management in Northeast Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2010), pp. 126-146.
10. “Taiwan: Prevalence of Traditional Security Issues,” Bert Edstrom (ed) Security and Development in Asia: New Threats and Challenges in the Post-postwar Era (Stockholm, Sweden: ISDP, 2009), pp. 23-49. Link
11. “China’s Growing Military Capability in Search of a Strategy,” International Spectator, Vol. 44, No. 2 (June 2009), pp. 95-110.
12. “Globalization and Defense Industry in China: Seeking Self-Sufficiency and Teaming up for Dual-Use Technology,” in Geoffrey Till, Emrys Chew, and Joshua Ho (eds) Globalization and Defence in the Asia-Pacific, Arms across Asia (New York/London: Routledge, 2009), pp. 148-165.
13. “China’s Revolution in Military Affairs: An Uphill Endeavor,” Security Challenges, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Summer 2008), pp. 81-99. Link
14. “Whither Taiwan-China Relations?” China Security, Vol. 4, No. 1(Winter 2008), pp. 94-111. Link
15. “Impacts of Social Change on China’s ‘Mutual Support’ Policy,” Mainland China Studies (MCS)[Zhongguo dalu yanjiu], Vol. 50, No. 3 (September 2007), pp. 29-49. (in Chinese) Link
16. “China’s Defense Industry under Globalization,” MCS, Vol. 49, No. 3 (September 2006), pp. 1-22. Link
17. “Conflict Prevention and Management in Northeast Asia: A Perspective from Taipei,” in Niklas Swanstrom (ed) Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management in Northeast Asia (Uppsala, Sweden and SAIS, Washington DC: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, November 2005), pp. 161-182. Link
18. “The Impact of US ‘Missile Defense’ and ‘Nuclear Posture Review’ on China’s Nuclear Weapons Policy,” Wenti yu Yanjiu [Issues and Studies], Vol. 44, No. 3 (May/June 2005), pp. 93-123. (in Chinese) Link
19. “Market Factor and Reform of China’s Armament System since late 1990s,” MCS, Vol. 48, No. 1 (March 2005), pp. 29-52. (in Chinese) Link
20. “Taiwan: From Integrated Missile Defense to RMA?” in Emily Goldman and Thomas Mahken (eds) The Information Revolution in Military Affairs in Asia (NY: Palgrave, 2004), pp. 167-185.
21. “China’s Strategic Nuclear Development in the 21st Century: Threat Perception and Potential Response,” Issues and Studies (Japanese version), Vol. 32, No. 10 (July, 2003), pp. 1-29.
22. “Party-Military Relations in China since 1990s,” MCS, Vol. 46, No. 2 (March/April 2003), pp. 57-80. (in Chinese). Link
23. “PRC’s Armament Policy in the Next Decade,” Prospect Quarterly (Taipei), Vol. 2, No. 2 (April 2001), pp. 1-27. (in Chinese)
24. “On the PRC Defense Industry,” Issues and Studies (English version) (Special Issue: The “China Threat” Debate), Vol. 36, No. 1 (January/February 2000), pp. 49-75.
25. “China’s Defense Industry and Military Implications,” Wenti yu Yanjiu, Vol. 39, No. 3 (March, 2000), pp. 1-17. (in Chinese). Link
26. “PRC Concern over the US TMD Initiative,” Wenti yu Yanjiu, Vol. 38, No. 11 (November, 1999), pp. 1-17. (in Chinese). Link
27. “China’s Concerns About Theater Missile Defense: A Critique,” The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Fall 1999), pp. 93-101.
28. “The US Policy-Making of Direct Commercial Sales to Taiwan: A Case Study of the IDF Jet Fighter,” Wenti yu Yanjiu, Vol. 37, No. 12 (December 1998), pp. 1-16. (in Chinese) Link
29. “US-ROC-PRC Relations since March 1996,” MCS, Vol. 41, No. 12 (December 1998), pp. 77-91. (in Chinese).
30. “Mainland China’s Defense Industries in the Context of the Central-Local Relationship,” Issue and Studies, Vol 32, No 7 (July 1996), pp. 1-18. Original version read at the 25th Sino-US Conference on Contemporary Mainland China, June10-11 1996 in Taipei.
31. “China’s Defense Finance: Content, Process and Administration,” The China Quarterly, No 146 (June 1996), pp. 428-442. Original version read at Conference on the PLA toward Year 2000, July 13-15 1995 in Hong Kong.
32. “Defense Industry Conversion to Civilian Production and Its Impact on Regional Development in Mainland China,” MCS, Vol. 39, No 2 (Feburary 1996), pp. 36-49. (in Chinese).
33. “The Modernization of the PLA and Mechanism for Peace in the Asia-Pacific,”MCS, Vol. 38, No 7 (July 1995), pp. 6-20. (in Chinese).
34. “The Production Activities of the PLA and Mainland China’s Defense Budget,” MCS, Vol. 38, No 5 (May 1995), pp.29-44. (in Chinese).
35. “Peking’s Defense Industries under the Trend toward a Market Economy,” MCS, Vol. 37, No 6 (June 1994), pp. 19-29. (in Chinese) original version read at the 2nd Annual Conference on Defense Management and Practices, March 18 1994 in Taipei.
36. “The PLA in 1993: Its Modernization and Political Succession,” MCS, Vol. 37, No 2 (February 1994), pp.37-45. (in Chinese).
37. “The Nature and Impact of the PLA Production Businesses,” MCS, Vol. 36, No 8 (August 1993), pp. 5-15. (in Chinese).
38. “The PLA’s Financial Management System Reform and Its Implication,” MCS, Vol. 36, No 4 (April 1993), pp. 40-48. (in Chinese) Original version read at the 1st Annual Conference on Defense Management and Practices, March 16 1993 in Taipei.
39. “The PLA after the CPC’s 14th Party Congress,” MCS, Vol. 36, No 1 (January 1993), pp. 42-50. (in Chinese).
40. “On the PLA’s Development since 1949,” MCS, Vol. 35, No 12 (December 1992), pp. 25-33. (in Chinese).
41. “The Streamlining of the PLA: Program, Nature, and Future Perspective,” MCS, Vol. 35, No 9 (September 1992), pp.51-59. English version appeared in Issues and Studies, Vol. 28, No 11 (November 1992), pp.86-98.
42. “On Military Modernization in the ROC and PRC since 1980s,” Wenti yu Yanjiu, Vol. 31, No 8 (August 1992), pp.29-39.
43. “Impact of the Gulf War on the PLA,” MCS, Vol. 34, No 12 (December 1991), pp. 27-36. (in Chinese).
44. “The PRC’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World,” MCS, Vol. 34, No 7 (July 1991), pp. 42-52. (in Chinese).
45. “The PRC and East Asia in 1990s, A Perspective,” MCS, Vol. 34, No 6 (June 1991), pp. 47-56. (in Chinese).
46. “The PRC’s Strategic Nuclear Force in Change,” MCS, Vol. 32, No 2 (August 1989), pp. 51-58. (in Chinese).
1. PLA’s Evolving Military Theory, 1978-1991 (Taipei: Tanshan Publishing House, 1996). (in Chinese).
2. China’s Defense Industry Conversion (Taipei: Mainland China Affairs Council, 1996). (in Chinese).
Book Chapters
1. “Challenges for Taiwan,” in K. Santhanam and Srikanth Kondapalli (eds) Asian Security and China 2000-2010 (New Delhi: Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, 2004), pp. 142-151.
2. “The Lessons of the 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis” in Andrew Scobell, Larry Wortzel and Laurie Burdkitt (eds), The Lessons of History: The Chinese People’s Liberation Army at 75 (Carlisle, PA: US Army War College, July, 2003), pp. 379-402.
3. “Does the Party still Command the Gun–Military Reform and Impact on the Party-Military Relations?” in Arthur Ding (et al) Challenges for the Hu Jintao Era (Taipei: Journalist Publishing House, December 2002), pp. 96-119. (in Chinese).
4. “The Field of Chinese Military Study: An Assessment” in Chou Yang-shan (ed), Mainland China Studies–Basic Manual (Taipei: Mainland China Affairs Council, 2002), pp. (11) 1-49. (in Chinese).
5. “US-Taiwan Military Relations after the March 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis,” in Yuhwoei Wang (ed), Bush Administration’s China Policy and Implications for the Cross-Strait Relations after the 2001 APEC Meeting (Taipei: Prospect Foundation, 2001), pp. 1-30. (in Chinese).
6. “Taiwan’s Military in the 21st Century: Redefinition and Reorganization,” in Larry M. Wortzel (ed) The Chinese Armed Forces in the 21st Century (Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, 1999), pp. 253-288.
7. “The Regional Implications of Defense Conversion: The Case of the ‘Third Line’ and Guizhou,” in John Frankenstein and Joern Broemmelhoerster(eds) Mixed Motives, Uncertain Outcomes: Defense Conversion in China (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1997), pp.135-149.
8. “Economic Reform and Defence Industries in China,” in Gerald Segal and Richard H. Yang(eds) Chinese Economic Reform, The Impact on Security (London/New York: Routledge, 1996), pp. 78-92. Original version read at the Conference on Chinese Economic Reform, The Impact on Security Policy, July 8-10 1994 in Hong Kong.
9. “The PLA’s Turbulent Development in the Past Forty Years,” in Fei-lung Lei(ed) The ROC and the PRC in the Past Forty Years: A Comparative Studies (Taipei: KMT Party School, 1994), VolⅡ, pp. 161-222. (in Chinese).
10. “The PRC Reform on the People’s Congress,” in An-Chia Wu (ed) Mainland China’s Political Development in the post-1978 Period (Taipei: Institute of International Relations, 1994), pp. 125-152. (in Chinese).
11. “The PRC Reform on the Separation of the Communist Party of China and State,” in An-chia Wu (ed), Mainland China’s Political Development in the post-1978 Period , pp. 83-123. (in Chinese).
12. “The PRC and Asian-Pacific Stability and Security in the post-Cold War Era,” in David Chou (ed) Asian-Pacific Stability and Security in the post-Cold War Era (Taipei: Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, 1993), pp.25-39. (in Chinese) original version read at Conference on Peace and Stability in Asian-Pacific Region in the post-Cold War Era, May 12 1993 in Taipei.
13. “ROC’s Mainland China Policy since 1987: Review and Assessment,” in Michael Kau(ed) Report on the Assessment of ROC’s Mainland China Policy and Social Response (Taipei: The 21st Century Foundation, 1992), pp. 5-19. (in Chinese).
14. “Military Relation across the Taiwan Strait since 1987,” in Bih-jaw(ed) Taiwan-Mainland China Relationship, 1987-1991 (Taipei:ⅡR, 1992), pp.69-91. (in Chinese).
15. “War in the year 2000: Beijing’s Perspective,” in Bih-jaw(ed) The Aftermath of the 1989 Tiananmen Crisis in Mainland China (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1992), pp. 174-187.
16. “The Debate on the Supervisory Powers of the People’s Congress, 1986-1989,” in Sung-po Chu (ed) Change in Socialist System, A Comparative Study of the PRC and North Korea (Taipei, IIR, 1992), pp. 25-47. (in Chinese) Original version read at the 12th Sino-Korea Conference on Mainland China, October 21-22 1991 in Seoul, South Korea. English version appeared in Issues and Studies, Vol. 28, No 5 (May 1992), pp. 49-62.
17. “The PRC’s Perception of a Changing East Asia and Implications,” in Wou Wei(ed) Changing International Order in the post-Cold War Era and the ROC’s Role (Taipei: Asia and World Institute, 1991), pp. 134-152. (in Chinese) Original version read at Conference on Changing International Order in the post-Cold War Era and the ROC’s Role, March 2, 1991, in Taipei.
18. “Analysis on PRC-USA Elites’ Exchange Visit, 1988-1989,” in Cheng-yi Lin (ed) Sino-American Relations, 1988-1989(Taipei: Institute of American Culture, Academia Sinica, 1991), pp. 181-207. (in Chinese).
19. “PLA in the Year 2000: Nuclear Force and Space Program,” in Richard H. Yang (ed) SCPS Yearbook on PLA Affairs, 1988/89 (Kaohsiung, National Sun Yat-sen University, 1989), pp. 123-135. Original version read at the 2nd SCPS Workshop on PLA Affairs, March 28-29 1989 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
20. “Bush Administration’s Taiwan Policy,” in Yu-chun Chen (ed) Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy: A Perspective (Taipei: Chinese Culture University, 1989), pp. 83-101. (in Chinese).
Working Papers and Others
1. “Sino-U.S. Competition in Strategic Arms,” Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) Working Paper No. 157 (Singapore: RSIS, April 24, 2008), http://www.rsis.edu.sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP157.pdf
2. “Whither Taiwan-China Relations?” China Security, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Winter 2008), pp. 94-111. http://www.wsichina.org/cs9_6.pdf.
3. “China’s Energy Security Demands and the East Asia Sea: A Growing Likelihood of Conflict in East Asia?” China and Eurasia Forun Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 3 (November 2005), pp. 35-38, http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/05/ad05chinaenergy.pdf.
4. Civil-Military Relationship and Reform in the Defense Industry, IDSS Working Paper No. 82 (Singapore: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2005). http://www.rsis.edu.sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP82.pdf.
5. “The Meanings and Future Prospects to Implement the Defense Two Laws,” Taiwan Defense Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 2002), pp. 6-33. (in Chinese).
6. “US-Taiwan Security Relations after the September 11 Attack,” International Affairs (Taipei), Vol. 1, No. 2 (March 2002), pp. 42-57. (in Chinese).
7. “The PLA and the PRC Politics after the CPC’s 14th Party Congress,” Modern China, February 1993, pp.143-153. (in Chinese).
8. ” The ASEAN States’ Foreign Policy and Restrictions, 1979-1982,” Hwa Kang Journal of Law and Social Science, No 9 (July 1989), pp. 93-102. (in Chinese).
Edited Books
1. Chih-Shian Liou and Arthur Ding (eds), China Dreams—China’s New Leadership and Future Impacts (Singapore: World Scientific, 2014)(forthcoming)
2. China’s Development, 2003-2004 (Taipei: Journalist Publishing House, 2004)(in Chinese).
3. Arthur Ding (et al) Challenges for the Hu Jintao Era (Taipei: Journalist Publishing House, December 2002)(in Chinese).