Christopher O´ Hara
Research Fellow
Mr. O’ Hara is active in the Conflict Management Projects focusing on Southeast Asia and to a lesser extent Northeast Asia. These projects focus on regional security issues, such as non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, ethnic insurgent activity, conflict management and energy security among others. Mr. O’ Hara’s other interests are terrorism & political violence, and maritime security.
His current tasks are to provide insight and policy recommendations on security policy questions.
He has a background in military & defense issues, psychology and conflict management.
Publications by Christopher O´ Hara
Financing War or Facilitating Peace? The Impact of Rebel Drug Trafficking on Peace Negotiations in Colombia and Myanmar
Rebel involvement in drug trafficking is broadly found to prolong and intensify civil wars. Being an illicit good with strong demand, high profit margins, limited barriers to entry, and few […]
Myanmar and the Case for UN Resolution 1325
From sexual violence to socio-economic hardships, women have borne a disproportionate share of the burden in Myanmar’s decades-long civil war. As the country undergoes a protracted peace process, more needs […]
The Rohingya and Islamic Extremism: A Convenient Myth
The plight of Myanmar’s minority Muslim population, the Rohingya, has received widespread international attention, most notably in light of the ongoing refugee boat crisis. Within Myanmar itself, however, many actors […]
Myanmar’s Fragile Ceasefire
Resolving Myanmar’s protracted civil war is the country’s defining challenge. With declarations of support signed for a National Ceasefire Agreement, there is much optimism that Myanmar is finally on the […]
Striking a Balance: Myanmar and the Issue of Intellectual Property Rights
Strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights in Myanmar has the potential to act as a catalyst for economic growth, spurring foreign direct investment and in the long run helping […]