Flávio Rocha de Oliveira
Dr. Flávio Rocha de Oliveira has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of São Paulo and is a professor at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) in Brazil. His research interests comprise geopolitical analysis, international security and strategic studies, with a focus on the United States. He took part in the Study of the US Institutes for Scholars (US State Department and Fulbright Foundation) in 2005 and in the TAU Workshop on Israel and the Middle East at Tel-Aviv University in 2013.
Dr. Flávio Rocha is currently researching the contemporary phase of competition between the great powers and their influence on Brazilian foreign policy. He is a member of the Brazilian think tank “Observatory of Foreign Policy and International Insertion of Brazil/Observatório da Política Externa e da Inserção Internacional do Brasil (OPEB)”.