Ildo Hwang
Former Visiting Fellow
Dr. Ildo Hwang is Research Fellow with The Institute 21 For Peace Studies, The Dong-A Ilbo Media Group in South Korea. He has worked as Staff Reporter with The Dong-A Ilbo for 16 years, and his major coverage as a journalist was North Korean issues, the United States Forces in Korea, and security policy making process of the Blue House, Korean military and intelligence agencies.
Dr. Hwang wrote two books about North Korean weapons of mass destruction and countermeasures of South Korea and the U.S., under the title of Kim Jeong Il Gongporeul Soaholida (or Kim Jeong Il Launched FEAR, Seoul: Planet Media, 2008) and the DNA of North Korean Military Strategy (Seoul: Planet Media, 2013). He received several scoop prizes, including ‘Journalist of the Month’ by the Journalists’ Association of Korea in March of 2007 and was nominated as a final candidate for ‘Journalist of the Year’ in 2007.
Dr. Hwang holds a Ph.D. in International Politics from Yonsei University, Seoul. The dissertation dealt with the strategic culture of North Korea and its military strategy development. He holds MA degree from University of North Korean Studies, Seoul. Dr. Hwang also completed one-year course of Russian Linguistics School, Far Eastern Federal University (Дальневосто́чный федеральный университе́т), Vladivostok, Russia.
Publications by Ildo Hwang
A Reflection on U.S. Grand Strategy: Trump and the Challenge for South Korean Diplomacy
Where does President Trump’s foreign policy fit within the existing paradigms envisioning America’s role in the world? Or does it represent a radical new departure? Providing a historical perspective, Ildo […]