Johanna Popjanevski
Johanna Popjanevski (1980-2016) was a Research Fellow with the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center, where she served as Deputy Director. Her specialization was in international law and security issues in the South Caucasus region, primarily in Georgia. She held an LL.M. degree from Lund University in cooperation with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. This page is being maintained to provide continuous access to Ms. Popjanevski’s works.
Publications by Johanna Popjanevski
Toward a Crimea Scenario? Russia’s Annexation Policies in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Their Implications
Since independence, the conflicts over the secessionist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia have constituted troublesome challenges to Georgia’s sovereign interests. Tbilisi’s lack of control of 20 percent of its […]
Retribution and the Rule of Law: The Politics of Justice in Georgia
Over the last several years a gradual politicization of justice in Georgia has put into question the country’s democratization progress. Most attention has centered on the judicial campaign launched beginning […]
სამართლის პოლიტიზაცია საქართველოში: მზარდი საფრთხე? – The Politicization of Justice in Georgia: A Growing Threat?
ბოლო წლებში ყოფილი მთავრობის წევრების დაპატიმრებისა და გასამართლების კამპანია ბადებს შეკითხვას, გადაიქცევა თუ არა თანდათან საქართველოს სასამართლო სისტემა პოლიტიკური ანგარიშსწორებისა და ოპოზიციის დასუსტების ინსტრუმენტად. 2012 წელს ხელისუფლების შეცვლის მომენტიდან, პროკურატურა […]
The 2009-11 Bombing Campaign in Georgia: Who Did It, and Why?
From 2009 to 2011, Georgia was rocked by a number of bombing attacks against various targets around the country, including the perimeter of the U.S. Embassy building in Tbilisi. The […]
Vietnam: Upping the Stakes in the South China Sea
Recent controversies between Hanoi and Beijing in relation to the South China Sea suggest that tensions in the region are rising. Vietnam is displaying a new resolve in relation to […]