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Dr. Niklas Swanström is the Director of the Institute for Security and Development Policy, and one of its co-founders. He is a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and a Senior Associate Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). His main areas of expertise are conflict prevention, conflict management and regional cooperation; Supply Chain Security, Cyber Warfare and disinformation; Chinese foreign policy and security in Northeast Asia; the Belt and Road Initiative, traditional and non-traditional security threats and its effect on regional and national security as well as negotiations. His focus is mainly on Northeast Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia.

Dr. Swanström has authored, co-authored or edited a number of books, including: U.S. and E.U., and the Emerging Supply Chain Network: Politics, Prospects, and Allies, Eurasia’s ascent in Energy and geopolitics, Sino-Japanese Relations: The need for Conflict Prevention and Management, Transnationell brottslighet: ett säkerhetshot? (Trans-national Crime: A security Threat?), Regional Cooperation and Conflict Management: Lessons from the Pacific Rim and Foreign Devils, Dictatorship or Institutional Control: China ‘s foreign policy towards Southeast Asia.

Dr. Swanström holds a Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies from Uppsala University. His dissertation dealt with regional cooperation and conflict management in the Pacific Rim. He also holds a Licentiate degree from the Department of Peace and Conflict research that examined the Chinese foreign policy towards Southeast Asia. He holds MA degrees from Uppsala University and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He has also been a student at Beijing Languages Institute, Beijing University and Dalian Languages University.

Ongoing Book Projects:

  • Development of New Technology and the Impact of Disinformation in Europe and Taiwan
  • The Convergence of Disinformation: Examining Russia and China’s Partnership in the Digital Age
  • Europe’s Green Tech Development: Challenges to Research and Innovation Security.
  • Arctic Security: Sino-Russian Cooperation

Publications by Niklas Swanström